Chapter 33: Behavior
Innate Behavior Behavior: anything an animal does in response to a stimulus Inborn, instinct Not learned Genetically programmed
Examples Courtship behavior—designed to attract a mate Territoriality—defending your space Aggressive behavior—threatening to other animals Dominance hierarchy—social order with several levels
Internal/External Cues Circadian rhythm: 24 hour cycle of behavior Migration: seasonal movement Hibernation: dormancy through cold months; conserves energy b/c body systems slow down Estivation: dormancy in response to heat
Learned behavior Changes through practice or experience Habituation: learning not to respond to a stimulus; no punishment or reward given. ex. Bells during 3 rd period
Insight: using previous experience to respond to a new situation; ex. Math problems Motivation: internal need that causes an animal to act Communication: sharing information Language: using symbols to represent ideas
Imprinting: social attachment to an object; ex. Geese following their mom Trial-and-error: reward for making a particular response; ex. Riding a bike Conditioning: learning by association; ex. Bell/dog salivating