School Advisory Council Agenda 1. Welcome…………………………Mr. Scott Cook (1 minute) 2. SAC Overview…………………….Ms. Marla Romasiewicz (5 minutes) (Role of SAC Members/ Election/ Meeting Dates) 3. Review School Data……….Ms. Amy Stephenson (5 minutes) 4. SIP Goals and Budget……………. Ms. Amy Stephenson (5 minutes ) 5. Open Discussion for Parent Approval of SIP……Ms. Amy Stephenson (5 minutes) 6. Open Discussion for Approval of SIP Budget…..Ms. Amy Stephenson (5 minutes) 7. Good of the Order……………………………………..All (1 minute)
SAC Responsibilities
Approve the School Improvement Plan, including all educational goals and expenditures Monitor student and school progress in attaining goals Prepare and distribute information to the public in regards to the School Improvement Plan Advise the principal on matters pertaining to curricular issues Initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and school
SAC Member Roles
SAC Member Roles Principal Works closely with the chairperson and the council to plan each meeting and establish an agenda; Serves as a resource providing information regarding the local school educational program; Keeps the SAC apprised of county policies, curriculum, etc.; Develops feelings of trust and understanding between SAC, community and staff; Serves as the administrator in charge of the school with total responsibility to manage all affairs of the school including general control and supervision of its employees; Communicates in the required manner with parents about the No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report, the Annual Yearly Progress Report and the school’s financial report and makes copies of these documents available to the general community.
SAC Member Roles SAC Chair Works closely with the administrator and the council to plan each meeting Calls the meeting to order, maintains order and sees that the meeting is properly adjourned; Assures that minutes are taken, prepared, read, approved and properly filed at the school and with the Coordinator for Continuous Improvement; Assures that business is ordered, considered, and completed properly; Is an impartial, conscientious arbiter of discussion and debate, and insists on fairness in the actions and debate of the members; Assists in the preparation of school improvement documents and in assuring the availability of required documents for public review.
SAC Member Roles Secretary Keeps accurate, complete minutes and files them for inspection by members. A copy of the minutes shall be provided to the principal for the school file which may be examined at the end of the school year. After approval by the SAC, minutes shall be available as public records; Keeps accurate records of council membership, attendance, duties and special assignments; Prepares copies of the agenda and distributes to council members, with minutes of the latest previous meeting; Sends electronic copy of minutes to the Coordinator for Continuous Improvement following approval by the SAC; Provides timely notice of all meetings.
SAC Member Roles Members Function as a council member according to established procedures by making suggestions and recommendations representative of constituents' views; Participate regularly in SAC meetings and carry out council assignments; Become knowledgeable about the resources of the school and community and the school's educational program; Serve as a communications link between the SAC, constituent groups, the community and the school; Act as a resource person for the SAC by making available specialized information; Assist in identifying resources;
SAC MEETING DATES September, November, January 23, 2013 April 3, :00 PM Media Center
Student Achievement Results ( )
Challenges faced from 2011 to 2012 Cut scores were raised (more difficult to earn a proficient score in all subjects) All ESE students count for school grading The grading scale has changed: School grade criteria has changed (Acceleration Points) Computer-based testing for FCAT Reading (6 th grade ) Letter Grade2011 Range2012 Range A B C D FLess than 395Less than 445
2012 SCHOOL GRADE Criteria % Meeting High Standards in Reading75%59% % Meeting High Standards in Math76%62% % Meeting High Standards in Writing83%88% % Meeting High Standards in Science48%46% % Making Learning Gains in Reading68%66% % Making Learning Gains in Math79%76% % of Lowest 25% Making Learning Gains in Reading 70%63% % of Lowest 25% Making Learning Gains in Math79% Acceleration Participation (Algebra 1 EOC)NA9 points Acceleration Performance (Algebra 1 EOC)NA50 points Total Points Adjusted Total Points NA624
Varsity Lakes School Grade History ( ) BABAA
VLMS School Grade Trend
Lee County School Grade Point Totals
Lee County Gains/Losses
“A” Middle Schools in Lee County School NamePointsGradeF/R Lunch Rate Minority Rate Title 1 Challenger636A6536No Cypress Lake658A5140No Diplomat617A6639No Gulf644A5835No Lexington612A5038No Oasis Charter664A1825No Three Oaks622A5339No Trafalgar696A5635No Varsity Lakes624A8074Yes
Varsity Lakes Middle School Improvement Plan (SIP) DRAFT
Florida vs. Federal Academic Goals and Expectations Florida FCAT School Grading Policy Graded by total population of students Varsity is an A school! Federal AMO (Annual Measurable Outcome) AMO Subgroups
SCHOOL GRADE GOALS (Draft) GOAL ACTUAL GOAL %Meeting High Standards in Reading 79%59% Satisfactory or Higher 63% % Meeting High Standards in Math 80%62% Satisfactory or Higher 65% % Meeting High Standards in Writing 87%88% (3.0) 27% (4.0) Satisfactory or Higher 66% %Meeting High Standards in Science 52%46% Satisfactory or Higher 52% %Making Learning Gains in Reading 72%66%70% % Making Learning Gains in Math 83%76%79% % of Lowest 25% Making Learning Gains in Reading 74%63%67% % of Lowest 25% Making Learning Gains in Math 83%79%82% Acceleration Participation -Algebra EOC Acceleration Performance – Algebra EOC + 9 points +50 points + 30 points + 50 points Total Points 900 Point Scale (590 is an A School) Hold Harmless Provision + 35 = 624 NO
What is an AMO Subgroup? Subgroups represent the diverse makeup of a school. Subgroups: race, economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency Subgroups for Varsity Lakes Middle (A subgroup must represent at least 13 students) 1.SWD (Students with Disabilities) 2.Hispanic 3.Black 4.White 5.Economically Disadvantaged 6.Limited English Proficiency 7.Total Population
AMO Subgroups ReadingMathWriting HispanicYes BlackYes WhiteYes Economically DisadvantagedYes Students with DisabilitiesYes ESOL StudentsYes Total PopulationYes
How does a school meet their AMO? **Schools must make enough progress to reduce the percentage of non-proficient students by half by the year **Example: 64% proficient = 36% non-proficient 36% / 2 = a decrease of 18% non-proficient over 6 years 18% / 6 = a decrease of 3% of non-proficient students per year
Reading Goals (DRAFT) FCAT 2.0: In , 66% of students made learning gains in FCAT reading. In , the percentage of students who make learning gains will improve to 70% as measured by Florida School Grades data reports. FAA: In , 68% of our students scored at or above Level 7 on FAA Reading. In , we will improve to 72% as measured by Florida Alternate Assessment Reports.
Achievement Gap Reading Goals Subgroup Reading Proficiency Reading Goal (AMO) Total59%64% Black51%56% Hispanic53%58% White71%74% English Language Learners 14%23% Students with Disabilities 25%33% Economically Disadvantaged 53%58%
Math Goals (DRAFT) FCAT 2.0: In , 76% of students made learning gains in FCAT math. In , 79% of of students will make learning gains in FCAT math as measured by Florida School Grades data reports. FAA: In , 58% of our students scored at or above level 7 on FAA Math. In , we will improve to 63% as measured by FAA data reports.
Algebra 1 EOC Goal (DRAFT) In , 100% of our students scored Level 3 or higher on the Algebra 1 EOC. In , 100% of our students will score Level 3 or higher. NOTE: The number of students enrolled in Algebra 1 has increased from 42 to 92 students.
Subgroup Math Proficiency Math Goal (AMO) Total62%66% Black56%61% Hispanic56%61% White70%73% English Language Learners 14%23% Students with Disabilities 34%41% Economically Disadvantaged 55%60% Achievement Gap Math Goals
Science Goals (DRAFT) FCAT 2.0: In , 46% of our students scored at or above Level 3 on FCAT 2.0 Science. In , 52% will score at or above Level 3 as measured by Florida School Grades data reports. FAA: In , 13% of our students scored at or above Level 7 on FAA Science. In , 22% will score at or above Level 7 as measured by FAA data reports.
Writing Goals (DRAFT) FCAT 2.0: In , 57% of our students scored at or above Level 3.5 on FCAT Writing. In , 62% of our students will score at or above Level 3.5 according to FCAT data reports.
Science Goal (DRAFT) In , the percentage of students in grade 8 scoring in levels 3-5 on the FCAT Science assessment will increase from 48% to 52% as indicated by the FCAT report.
CELLA Goals (DRAFT) Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment Listening/Speaking In , 40 out of 68 (59%) of students were proficient on the listening/speaking portion of the CELLA. In , VLMS will increase the amount of proficient students by 3.4% for a total of 62.4%. Reading: In , 15 out of 69 (22%) of students were proficient on the reading portion of the CELLA. In , VLMS will increase the amount of proficient students by 6.5% for a total of 28.5%. Writing: In , 20 out of 69 (29%) of students were proficient on the writing portion of the CELLA. In , VLMS will increase the amount of proficient students by 5.9% for a total of 34.9%.
Anti-Bullying Goal (DRAFT) In , 100% of bullying incidents will be reported to our newly hired school counselor and interventions will be put into place.
Parent Involvement Goal (DRAFT) For year , VLMS will increase the number of volunteer hours from 842 to 850.
School Improvement Funds $5, Student Planners $ 2, Student Goal Setting Materials$ Refill Materials for Binders$ 1, Sheet protectors, colored paper for each subject, and toner for copies. Approximately $.50 per student. All students will set math, reading, writing, and science goals for the school year. Mrs. Stephenson and Mr. Engelhart will meet with every student individually to set goals during math class. Goals will be reviewed weekly with teachers and must be kept in student binder. VLMS had the highest learning gains of all Middle Schools in the District. Therefore, we are continuing with individual goal setting.
Questions/Discussions What questions or suggestions do you have for the school improvement plan?