THE UNIQUE CHALLENGE OF TACKLING CSE CSE is a form of child abuse It is a hidden crime Often working without a disclosure YP don’t always see themselves as victims Also a challenge for ‘traditional’ approaches to safeguarding YP Need to work at a young person’s pace Build trust Work collaboratively across a range of key partners In a context of pressure to deal with the problem quickly
PROJECT PHOENIX Launched across Greater Manchester in 2012 In response to high profile CSE cases in GM Objectives: Raise standards Improve cross-border working Improve consistency across GM Achieve buy in from partners Raise awareness of CSE Encourage people to report concerns
PROJECT PHOENIX: SPECIALIST TEAMS Support areas in developing specialist teams Each area has their own set up Co-location is key Agencies include: Police Social workers Specialist nurses Parent support Voluntary sector Youth workers Sharing information & joint decision making
PROJECT PHOENIX: SUPPORT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES Early identification of vulnerable young people Clear referral process – single front door Consistent screening Consistent risk assessment Appropriate interventions to protect the young person Support for parents / families / foster carers Action taken to identify and deal with the offender Court process meets the needs of the victim
PROJECT PHOENIX: RAISING AWARENESS Phoenix website: a central resource for professionals, parents, carers, young people, businesses, etc. Social media presence Facebook – Publicity campaign: posters, billboards, leaflets, etc.
PROJECT PHOENIX: COMMUNICATIONS We wanted the voice of the victim to be heard in our publicity campaign Media were keen to hear from young victims Worked with Barnardo’s to produce this film
PROJECT PHOENIX: WARNING SIGNS signs-for-professionals/ Bruising Drug & alcohol use Volatile behaviour Mood swings Truancy Low self esteem Change in appearance
PROJECT PHOENIX: WARNING SIGNS signs-for-professionals/ STIs Relationships with older people Inappropriate clothing Seen in unknown vehicles Inappropriate peer groups Persistently missing from home Possessions and money unaccounted for
PROJECT PHOENIX: TAXIS Taxi drivers are our eyes and ears Work in the night time economy Pick up fares and visit locations that CSE professionals may be unaware of Areas of concern Hotspots Taxi drivers have been involved in high profile CSE cases Asking them to be good citizens Report concerns about colleagues
PROJECT PHOENIX: TAXIS In Rochdale all taxi drivers were required to attend a one-hour training session Part of their licensing requirements Over 1400 drivers attended Overview of CSE Case studies Role of taxi businesses in ensuring compliance Safeguarding leads within businesses Everyone aware of safeguarding referral process Very positive feedback from taxi drivers
PROJECT PHOENIX: REPORT IT If you have any concerns report it Phone 999 if there is immediate threat to person or property Make a referral to local authority children’s services Speak to the CSE specialist team in your area