Reference Tools & Secondary Sources F Dictionaries, Citation Guides F Directories, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks F Research Guides & Bibliographies
Bieber’s – legal abbreviations
Noble’s – law reporters abbreviations
Montreal law reports
World Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations country-by-country especially helpful if reading many materials from a particular jurisdiction
Directories An article refers to an organization as “ICCTA” - what is it?
directory of 1000’s of international organizations
Helpful Tools
Reynolds & Flores
Commercial laws of the middle east
I’m looking for a case decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in New Zealand Where are their decisions reported? Does the Law Library have this set? Check GAVEL!!
New zealand law reports
A couple of helpful resources….
Restatement of the Law, 3rd on Foreign Relations
Hague Academy, Recueil des Cours or Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law Location = Rusk Center Library in Rusk Hall “The best-know names in international law have taught at the Hague Academy of International Law. The Academy courses are collected in a publication, the Collected Courses, which appears in five to seven volumes per year.” Note: the courses are published in English and French Note: includes index volumes; also indexed in IFLP.
Yearbooks of International Law
Yearbook and international law
International Legal Materials (I.L.M.)
Excellent resource for timely access to full text of international agreements, domestic legislation, court decisions very selective often translated often w/ commentary
Research Guides check Gavel Web law reviews library literature
Research guides research* and human rights
Research guides: on the Web (e.g.,
GlobaLex - at NYU's Global Law School Program
Sample from GlobaLex guide to researching Dutch Law
Research Guides: in law reviews
Research guides: in library literature