Reminder of upcoming milestones For all machines: Nov. 2012:Table of performance parameters Jan. 2013: Baseline activities defined Feb. 2013: Update APT/EVM (cost-to-completion) March 2013:Draft for Long and Mid Term Pls. May 2013:Technical design report Clarify LIU-PS baseline and update APT/EVM basically From meeting LIU-PS 18/09/2012 0
LIU-PS01:Management LIU-PS02:Beam Dynamics LIU-PS03:Magnets LIU-PS04: RF systems (incl. longitudinal/transverse damper) 4.1 Low-level RF 4.2 High power RF (long. damper kicker) 4.3 Transverse damper 4.4 RF controls LIU-PS05:Power converters LIU-PS06:Beam instrumentation LIU-PS07: Beam intercepting devices LIU-PS08:Vacuum system LIU-PS09: Injection LIU-PS10:Extraction and transfer LIU-PS01:Management LIU-PS02:Beam Dynamics LIU-PS03:Magnets LIU-PS04: RF systems (incl. longitudinal/transverse damper) 4.1 Low-level RF 4.2 High power RF (long. damper kicker) 4.3 Transverse damper 4.4 RF controls LIU-PS05:Power converters LIU-PS06:Beam instrumentation LIU-PS07: Beam intercepting devices LIU-PS08:Vacuum system LIU-PS09: Injection LIU-PS10:Extraction and transfer EVM update of LIU-PS (1/2) 1
EVM update of LIU-PS (2/2) LIU-PS11:Controls LIU-PS12: Electrical Systems LIU-PS13:Cooling and ventilation LIU-PS14:Installation, transport and handling LIU-PS15:Civil engineering LIU-PS16:Radiation protection LIU-PS17: Interlock systems LIU-PS18:Alarms LIU-PS19:Access system doors LIU-PS20:Survey LIU-PS21:Commissioning and operation LIU-PS22:Dismantling LIU-PS11:Controls LIU-PS12: Electrical Systems LIU-PS13:Cooling and ventilation LIU-PS14:Installation, transport and handling LIU-PS15:Civil engineering LIU-PS16:Radiation protection LIU-PS17: Interlock systems LIU-PS18:Alarms LIU-PS19:Access system doors LIU-PS20:Survey LIU-PS21:Commissioning and operation LIU-PS22:Dismantling 2
Present baseline (1/3) 3
Present baseline (2/3) 4
Present baseline (3/3) 5
Resonance compensation Compensation of resonances 2Q h + Q v = 1, Q h + 2Q v = 1 and 3Q v = 1 requires skew sextupoles Plan: ‐Re-install existing sextupole magnets during X-mas stand-by ‐Proof-of-principle beam tests in early 2013 (before LS1!) ‐Development of new compensation scheme during LS1, potentially including also octupoles (for 4Q v = 1) Include resonance compensation magnets in LIU-PS03 (magnets) Include power supplies + cabling for resonance compensation in LIU-PS05 (power converters ) A. Huschauer et al. 6
RF (high-power and low-level) Preliminary conclusion of PS-SPS transfer studies: ‐2 nd 40 MHz cavity will provide more margin (longitudinal emittance and transmission) ‐Even if 2 nd cavity not available, operation possible Main priority on improving reliability of existing cavities Keep additional 40 MHz cavity as optional in LIU-PS4.2 (RF, high power) No immediate justification for complete exchange of power amplifiers 10 MHz Keep new 10 MHz power amplifiers optional in LIU-PS4.2 (RF, high power) 1-turn feedback most probably not required on 20 MHz cavities Keep new 20 MHz 1-turn feedback optional in LIU-PS4.1 (RF, low-level) 7
Transverse feedback on the flat-top Successful operation of transverse damper against FT instabilities Plan (next to fully commissioning the damper): ‐Validate that observed instabilities are e-cloud driven ‐Estimate new requirements for the existing damper or an additional dedicated wide-band feedback ‐Maximum damper strength in CW Include transverse feedback as baseline action against electron cloud instabilities in LIU-PS4.4 (RF, transverse damper) Remove coating from project baseline in LIU-PS08 (vacuum) A. Blas, G. Sterbini et al. 10 ms! horizontal FB ON FBOFF 8
Beam instrumentation Trajectory measurement of LHC-type beams shortly before ejection, when the beam is already bunches with 20/40 MHz Tentative plan: Investigate possibility of adding 1/2 transverse wide-band pick-up(s) as copies of existing pick-up in SS94 Phase advance between pick-ups to be checked Check needs for application software/LabView read-out Input to be provided for BI review board on trajectory measurements Eventually add transverse wide-band pick-ups to LIU-PS06 (beam instrumentation) 9
Beam dump replacing SS12 ralentisseur Dump to act as a collimator to reduce losses at extraction (CT or MTE) a ralentisseur for the emittance measurements a fast scraper to measure the tails of the LHC beams Replace internal dumps in SS47/48 Alessandro Masi following-up development To be included as baseline in work unit LIU-PS07 (beam intercepting devices) 10
New vacuum chamber MU41 Vacuum chamber of magnet unit 41 identified as aperture limitation, causing losses New vacuum chamber MU41 as project baseline To be included in LIU-PS08 (vacuum) work unit 11
Summary Cost-to-completion to be ready for early 2013 Relevant changes to LIU-PS baseline: Resonance compensation High-power RF Transverse feedback instead of e-cloud coating Beam instrumentation Beam dump replacing SS12 ralentisseur New vacuum chamber MU41 Minor changes and updates of all other work units Please check \\\dfs\Departments\BE\Projects\PSUpgrade\WorkPackages_ \\\dfs\Departments\BE\Projects\PSUpgrade\WorkPackages_ Thank you for updating the work units in APT/EVM 12