Our Focus Today 1.Meeting the Needs of All Residents 2.Ideas for Residents with Dementia 3.A Great Activity Program: Do You Have One?
“It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about?” --Henry David Thoreau
Define Activity for our Residents Activities – refer to any activity other than ADL’s in which a resident engages that is intended to enhance her/his sense of well-being.
These include, but are not limited to, activities that… Promote increased self-esteem Pleasure Comfort Education Creativity Success Independence Class Discussion = Take Notes
Program of Activities Includes: 1. A combination of formal, informal and self-directed activities. 2. The supporting structure to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the activities provided to the residents in the facility.
One-on-One Programming Refers to programming provided to residents who: Will not/cannot effectively plan their own activity pursuits, OR Residents needing specialized or extended programs to enhance their overall daily routine and activity pursuit needs. Not to be confused with INDEPENDENT activity pursuits!
One-on-One Programming Assessment: Match resident interests noted on the activity assessment. Implementation: Implemented within residents level and ability.
Short Stay Resident Offer “a la carte activities” Books Magazines Cards Word Puzzles Newspapers CD’s Movies Hand Held Games
Younger Resident – 55 & Under a)Music that fits the resident’s taste and era b)Magazines c)Books d)Movies that fit the resident’s taste and era e)Computer/internet access f)Video Games g)Play musical instruments h)Cards i)Board games j)Social media/cell phone
Different Ethnic/Cultural Background Special meals Special decorations Special celebrations Special music Visits from spiritual leaders Print materials Opportunities for resident & family to share information about diversity
Male Residents Checklist for Men Group Discussion – Take Notes
What’s Hot? Streaming – Netflix Videos Games iPads PS4 & Xbox One Social Media Wii Portable DVD Players Hand Held Devices
28 Activity Suggestions for YOUR Calendar Call Out Discussion Programming Ideas – All Residents
Alzheimer’s Disease Is the most common form of dementia. It proceeds in stages over months or years and gradually destroys memory, reason, judgment, language, and eventually the ability to carry out even simple tasks.
Estimated Number of New AD Cases
Guiding Principles Assess Resident Population Activities maximize independence and focus on abilities. Should reflect the person’s preferred lifestyle and provide a sense of usefulness. Use retained abilities. Minimize distractions. Give step by step instructions. Give concrete visual cues.
Programming Assessment Tasks: how many steps are in the activity? Abilities: remaining abilities (reading, hearing, walking, dexterity, memory) Interests Not over-simplified: respect the age and social status of the individual Number of staff needed Expense
Modifying the Activity o Simplify the rules o Reduce the number of steps o Increase the type and frequency of cueing o Reduce the size of the group o Reduce the duration of the activity o Change from competitive to cooperative activities o Offer limited choices
Ideas for Residents with Dementia Categories of Programs for Residents with Dementia Normalization Cognitive Physical Spiritual Sensory Creative Arts Social Recreational Group Discussion = Take Notes
Art Therapy for Dementia Residents Fosters social interaction Cognition Creative expression Language to communicate Helps those unable to express thoughts with words through art Provides experiences not otherwise available Creates opportunity for positive, successful and pleasurable social activity
Coloring Books for Adults Benefits of Coloring?
Follow Along…Take Notes Activity Calendar for Dementia Unit Sensory Sensation – Sensory Themes Sensory Bags – Activity & Functional Small Groups for Cognitively Impaired Residents Small Groups Worksheet – Fast Track
A GREAT Activity Program: Do You Have One? “The price of greatness is responsibility.” Winston Churchill
Building a Great Activity Program = Happy Residents Leadership, Knowledge & Experience Explain your plan and vision. Pick the RIGHT people. Accept mistakes and move on. Ask for feedback & criticism. Don’t procrastinate. Treat people as individuals. Help them feel good about themselves. Focus on strengths and help them improve weaknesses. Create a tradition – build a reputation for success.
Points for Perking Up Participation
10 Steps for Revising Your Activity Schedule
Life doesn’t require us to be the best only to try our best. Strive for Excellence, not perfection.
You ARE the difference.