announce-1 CSE 5810Announcements Informatics is: Management and Processing of Data From Multiple Sources/Contexts Involves Classification (Ontologies), Collection, Storage, Analysis, Dissemination Informatics is Multi-Disciplinary Computing (Model, Store, Process Information) Social Science (User Interactions, HCI) Statistics (Analysis) Informatics Can Apply to Multiple Domains: Business, Biology, Fine Arts, Humanities Pharmacology, Nursing, Medicine, etc.
announce-2 CSE 5810 Research Project Deliverables 15 page paper slide powerpoint Samples on Web page Presentations (15 mins) starting April 21. Potential Topics: Security and Data Protection/Privacy Sensor Networks to Monitor Elderly Artificial Intelligence & Clinical Decision Support Software Architectures for Integrating Health Information Bioinformatics (BI) to Process Biological Data Super /Grid computing for Genomic/Clinical Data Analysis Visualization to Conceptualize BMI/BI Data Algorithms for BMI/Clinical Data Analysis Any other CSE topic Area
announce-3 CSE 5810 Projects Posted on Web Page Prior Projects (Spring 2012) Clinical Decision Support: PPT and ReportPPT Report Data Mining and BMI: PPT and ReportPPT Report Cloud Computing and BMI: PPT and ReportPPT Report Sample Final Presentations (Spring 2014): Albayram: PPT and Algwaiz: PPTPPT Baihan: PPT and Martin: PPTPPT Papavasileiou: PPT and Sanzi: PPTPPT
announce-4 CSE 5810 Research Project - Other Topics A. Computer Science issues and solutions for supporting a Master patient index/Unified Health ID with respect to HIT systems, Interoperability, patient access to own data, etc. universal-identification/ unique-patient-identifier/ Try a Google Search: unique (or national) patient identifier B. Exploring Computer Science Issues in Privacy from a patient perspective. This can be done from many different computing perspectives ranging from theory to practice in security. y
announce-5 CSE 5810 Research Project - Other Topics C. Honest Brokers for Secure De-identification of Patient Records D. Classifying, Sharing, and Exchanging health care data classification-p-1153 G. Biomedical Informatics and HPC – there is enough work for this to involve two individuals. short Try a Google Search: biomedical informatics and HPC
announce-6 CSE 5810 Research Project - Other Topics E. Remote health monitoring that explores the use of sensor networks for patient monitoring, mobile apps, wearables, medical devices, etc. – within a medical facility, elderly housing, etc. and to explore the usage of computer science as applied to healthcare to monitory health. g F. Biomedical Informatics and Cloud Computing – there is enough work for this to involve two individuals. 4/abstract Try a Google Search: biomedical informatics and cloud computing
announce-7 CSE 5810 Individual/Team Design/Development Project Objectives Desire of Patients to Control Access to Own Health Data Pervasiveness & Ubiquity of Mobile Devices Explosion of Fitness/Health Devices, Apps, Data Collection Explore larger scale Health Information Technology Systems and their Interaction Standards, Frameworks, & Systems Support Interoperability via XML and Other Standards Individual/Team Structure To be Developed over Course of the Semester
announce-8 CSE 5810 Purpose of Project Explore all of these different issues utilizing a variety of health information technology standards, frameworks, and systems Develop a working group of the entire class that will leverage the varied skill sets Mobile app design/development Interacting with Bluetooth devices Databases APIs Exploring, evaluating, and utilizing a wide range of HIT standards, frameworks, and actual systems
announce-9 CSE 5810 Standards include: JSON: RDF: XML: HL7: HL7 CDA: HL7 CCD : ICD-10: program-information/by-topics/data-and-systems/icd- coding/icd.html program-information/by-topics/data-and-systems/icd- coding/icd.htmlhttps:// program-information/by-topics/data-and-systems/icd- coding/icd.html
announce-10 CSE 5810 Framworks include: FHIR: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources SMART: An App Platform for Healthcare with multiple apps / Usage of FHIR fhir/ fhir/ Open mHealth: Open Source Code to Integrate digital health data
announce-11 CSE 5810 Systems include: Open MRS: open source enterprise electronic medical record system with standalone version Open EMR: A Stage II meaningful use certified EHR with standalone version Top 7 Free/Open Source: emr-software-products/ emr-software-products/ Open Clinical Organization:
announce-12 CSE 5810 Project Possibilities Linking to an existing FHIR implementation or developing our own implementation at Uconn Developing a FHIR for OpenEMR Developing/Leveraging a FHIR for OpenMRS Developing/Leveraging a FHIR for PHR in general and MS HealthVault in particular Exploring SMART on FHIR Linking Apple HealthKit to FHIR to allow fitness/chronic disease data to easily flow via FHIR to EMRs and PHRs Linking Google Fit to FHIR to allow fitness/chronic disease data to easily flow via FHIR to EMRs and PHRs.
announce-13 CSE 5810 Project Possibilities A. A. A Medication Gathering app that would find medications from multiple sources (e.g., OpenEMR, OpenMRS, MSHV, etc.). This would need to be support via FHIR utilizing the Patient and Medication Resources as shown in the figure. B. B. A Mobile iOS app that would allow the user to enter chronic disease tracking information via HealthKit and store the information via FHIR using Patient/Observation into OpenEMR or OpenMRS. C. C. A Mobile Andorid app that would allow the user to enter chronic disease tracking information (see pages 6 and 7 of via Google fit and store the information via FHIR using Patient/Observation into OpenEMR or OpenMRS. D. D. A Mobile app (iOS or Android) that would allow a patient to supply information for the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Questionnaire
announce-14 CSE 5810 Teams and Selections Kovalev,Eugene X Pozdnyakov,Ivan X Udeh,Kingsley X Jha,Kanchan Y Wu,Guanming Y Kalaparti,Krishna Y Fagan,Michael Z Fei,Zhitong Z Li,Xin Z