In New Jersey, all types of sexual assault are included under the same law. Sexual assault (rape) is defined as sexual penetration of the vagina, mouth or anus, without consent, in which physical force or coercion is used, or in which the assailant knew or should have known the victim is physically helpless or mentally incapacitated.
A completed sex act › Defined as contact between the penis and vulva or the penis and the anus involving penetration—Contact between the mouth and penis, vulva, or anus; or penetration of the anal or genital opening of another person by using a hand, finger or object. An attempted sex act › An attempted (but not completed) sex act Abusive sexual contact › Intentional touching, either directly through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person Non-contact sexual abuse › Includes voyeurism (spying), intentional exposure of an individual to exhibitionism (flashing), pornography, verbal sexual harassment, threats of sexual violence, and taking nude photographs of a sexual nature of another person.
Rape: › Forced sexual intercourse against a person’s will or without his/her consent. Acquaintance Rape: › Forced sexual intercourse against a person’s will or without his/her consent, by someone he/she knows. The sole difference between ‘acquaintance rape’ and ‘stranger rape’ is that the victim and attacker know each other, regardless of how briefly. Date Rape: › Same as acquaintance rape, except the rape occurs on a “date.” › Date rape can occur under different conditions The assailant knows at the beginning of the day/night that he will have sex, even if he has to force it on someone. Date rape can also occur when the assailant does not plan in advance to hurt the victim. He hopes for consensual sex, becomes frustrated, ignores the victim’s feelings, uses force, believing that he has the right to sex regardless of what the victim wants.
Penetration: Vaginal or anal intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, or insertion of a hand finger or object into the anus or vagina Either by the assailant or upon the assailant’s instruction The depth of insertion does not matter!!
A victim may say ‘no’ or imply ‘no’ Silence should not be interpreted as ‘permission’ In New Jersey— › Child Abuse Consent is not recognized If victim is less than 13 › Statutory Rape Consent is not recognized if victim is years of age and the assailant is four or more years older › Age of Consent Sixteen
Does not necessarily involve beating or bruising a person The threat of force or harm can often be enough to make a victim comply with the demands of the assailant Physical Force can mean nothing more than the force necessary to penetrate.
When someone purposely tries to restrict another’s freedom by threatening that they will harm the victim in regards to their health, safety, business, financial condition, reputation, or personal relationships.
The condition in which a person is unconscious or is physically unable to flee Person is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to act
The condition is which a person is mentally disabled or is rendered temporally incapable of understanding or controlling his/her conduct Due to the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or anesthetic or by a substance given to the person without his/her prior knowledge or consent
The act of sexual penetration without the affirmative and freely given consent or permission of the victim to the specific act of penetration constitutes a crime Video (3 minutes) Video
1 in 6 women & 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime College age women are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted In 2007, there were 248, 300 victims Every 2 minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted 60% of the sexual assaults are not reported to the police Approx. 73% of rape victims know their assailants. Only 6% of rapists will every spend a day in jail.