Networking and Chemistry Final Lecture. Internet is powerful tool for chemists Hardware and software architecture of the internet. Finding scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

Networking and Chemistry Final Lecture

Internet is powerful tool for chemists Hardware and software architecture of the internet. Finding scientific information Faster communication than letter writing Writing papers for publication Professional networking Professional society information Conferences and presentations

Internet architecture

Scientific information: Search Engines Chemspider 1,2 Web of science 2 Scifinder 2 (Chinese Academic Library and Information System: CALIS Universities) reaxys Trademark and Patent office of PRC patent search engine 1,2 US Patent office search engine 1,2 1) Free resources 2) Resources available in China

Scientific information: Chemicals Chemical information from chemical catalogs Chem Frog free database with millions of chemicals. emolecules-structure search web of science structure search Scifinder structure searching Search Google or Baidu with CAS number Chemical Abstract Number and Structure searching

Finding Chemicals Need to find chemical Chemical Catalog Name search Structure search Chemical Registry Number Complete citation listing Scifinder, reaxys, web of science Commercial Sources and prices Chemspider, Scifinder, reaxys emolecule for proposal writing, patents, papers To obtain chemicals for work or research

Scientific information: Authors Useful for job hunting or performance evaluations Web of Science: Author Search Find authors resume or curriculum vita online Refine author search by institutions he or she worked at. Refine to peer reviewed documents: articles, notes, reviews, chapters, and books. Number of publications Citation analysis: number citations & hirsch index

Authors Searching Authors name Authors resume from online List of citations New accurate list of citations Total umber of citations, citations per paper, citations per year, hirsch index Citation analysis Refine citation list to author institutions, correct years or field of study if necessary

Scientific information: Online learning Lectures online as pdfs or ppts – Dave Evans website at Harvard for advanced organic notes – Brian Stolz website at Cal Tech for graduate student organic presentations. MIT online courses (undergrad. & graduate chemistry) Virtual organic chemistry organometallic hypertext

Writing & submitting Papers George whitesides paper on writing online scientific writing guides Searching the literature for citations ACS Guide to Authors Web of science Journal Citation reports Journal websites: instructions to authors Editing: by English major or by software Online submission Peer Review Paper published

Professional networking Set up your own website Join Linkin or Ushi Join Professional societies (ACS, CCS, IUPAC) – become officer – organize symposia at conferences – work on committees Write papers, patents, and reviews Attend Professional Meetings Present talks at Conferences

Job Hunting Find jobs through: Professional networks (Linkin or Ushi) Professional Society job fairs and listings Professional trade journal listings: MRS Bulletin or C&E News. Online job hunting and “head hunters”. Building a website as your online resume

Professional Societies Chinese Chemical Society American Chemical Society Royal Chemical Society International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Materials Research Society International Sol-gel Society

Professional Conferences and Meetings National Meetings of National Chemical Societies – CCS National Congress, ACS and MRS Spring and Fall meetings International Meetings of Chemical Societies – Pacifichem 2015, MRS Meetings Focus Meetings – Gordon Conferences – Zing Meetings Trade or industry Meetings Calendars of conferences available through ACS and MRS

Summary The internet is a powerful tool for you to: – learn – Maintain current knowledge after graduating – Find resources (funding, chemicals, etc) to do work – Find jobs – Publish your results – Find information to help work or write or patent – communicate with your peers – magnify your productivity!!!