DAY #1: Intro to Forensics, Crime, & Trends 1.Define “Forensics.” 2.List three major reasons for the increase in the number of crime labs in the U.S. since the 1960s. 3.List the 4 major federally run crime labs. 4.What are the major units in a crime lab & what types of evidence do they analyze? 5.Define “Crime.” 6.What is the difference between various charges (e.g. assault v. battery; manslaughter v. murder; larceny v. robbery v. burglary)? 7.Why do certain crimes get solved more/ less often (i.e. % solved)? 8.What are some reasons for the difference between public perception & actual crime rates?
Why has the # of crime labs increased since the 1960s? 1.MIRANDA REQUIREMENTS 2.ILLICIT-DRUG SEIZURES 3.DNA-PROFILING
4 MAJOR FEDERAL CRIME LABS 1.FBI Lab—world’s largest forensic lab! 2.DEA Labs 3.ATF Labs 4.U.S. Postal Inspection Service Labs
SERVICES offered by FULL-SERVICE CRIME LABS 1.PHYSICAL SCIENCE (Chemistry, Physics, Geology) 2.BIOLOGY (DNA, botany) 3.FIREARMS 4.DOCUMENTATION EXAMINATION 5.PHOTOGRAPHY 6.Toxicology 7.Latent Fingerprint 8.Polygraph 9.Voiceprint (spectrograms) 10.Crime-scene investigation
Specialized Services outside crime lab Forensic: 1.Pathology 2.Anthropology 3.Entomology 4.Psychiatry 5.Odontology 6.Engineering 7.Computer & digital analysis
Which unit of the crime lab is responsible? 1.Which unit examines and compares tool marks? 2.Which unit examines body fluids and organs for drugs and poisons? 3.Police investigating an apparent suicide collect the following items at the scene: a note purportedly written by the victim, a revolver bearing very, faint fingerprints and traces of skin and blood under the victim’s fingernails. What units of the crime laboratory will examine each piece of evidence?
So… now you have a basic idea of what crime labs do…. …let’s discuss CRIME & TRENDS
CRIME - Something one does or fails to do that is in violation of the law AGAINST PERSON Homicide Kidnapping Assault Battery Robbery Rape AGAINST PROPERTY Arson Vandalism Larceny Identity theft Forgery
US Crime Statistics CRIME CLOCK 1 VIOLENT CRIME every 26.2 seconds 1 MURDER every 36.0 minutes 1 RAPE every 6.3 minutes 1 ROBBERY every 1.5 minutes 1 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT every 42.0 seconds 1 PROPERTY CRIME every 3.5 seconds 1 BURGLARY every 14.4 seconds 1 LARCENY (taking/ keeping property) every 5.1 seconds 1 AUTO THEFT every 44.1 seconds Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation 2011 statistics: enforcement/crime-clock
SOME TYPES OF CRIME: 1.HOMICIDE & ATTEMPTS (e.g. capital murder, 1 st, 2 nd degree murder & felony murder, voluntary & involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide) 2.ASSAULT & BATTERY (e.g. aggravated assault, stalking, bullying) 3.KIDNAPPING (e.g. false imprisonment) 4.WEAPONS OFFENSE (e.g. carrying a concealed weapon, improper exhibition, public discharge of weapon) 5.SEX OFFENSES (e.g. sexual assault and battery, indecent exposure) 6.ARSON & VANDALISM 7.BURGLARY & TRESPASS 8.LARCENY (e.g. grand and petty larceny, dealing in stolen property, retail theft, shop lifting) 9.ROBBERY (e.g. carjacking, home-invasion robbery) 10.CHILD ABUSE (e.g. abuse, neglect, contributing to delinquency of a minor)
SOME TYPES OF CRIME: 11.FRAUD (e.g. welfare, insurance) 12.OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (e.g. resisting an officer with or without violence, obstruction by disguised person, false reports of a crime) 13.PROSTITUTION (e.g. maintaining, soliciting, transporting, receiving for the purpose of prostitution) 14.DRUG ABUSE (e.g. sale of counterfeit substance, possession/ sale/ purchase/ delivery/ trafficking of illegal drugs and paraphernalia) 15.RACKETEERING 16.TRAFFIC OFFENSES (e.g. DUI, leaving the scene of an accident with death or injury, reckless driving, fleeing to elude, driver license violations, traffic infractions) 17.PROBATION VIOLATIONS
What would you charge each suspect with in the scenarios? Explain your reasoning. A.Murder (1 st, 2 nd, or felony?) B.Manslaughter (voluntary or involuntary?) C.Negligent homicide D.Assault E.Battery F.Kidnapping G.Weapons Offense H.Sex Offense I.Arson J.Vandalism K.Burglary/ Trespass L.Larceny (grand or petty?) M.Robbery N.Child Abuse O.Fraud P.Obstruction of Justice Q.Prostitution R.Drug Abuse S.Racketeering T.Traffic Offenses U.Probation Violations
How many crimes are solved? Why do some crimes get solved more/ less frequently? US, 2011 statistics Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation 2011 statistics: /tables/table_27_percent_of_offenses_cleared_by_arrest_or_exceptional_means_additional_information_2011.xls TYPE OF OFFENSETOTAL NUMBER KNOWN% CRIMES SOLVED Rape67, % Robbery277, % Aggravated Assault589, % Burglary1,802, % Motor Vehicle Theft605, % Arson45, %
The Public’s Perception of Crime
US Crime Rate over Time Is this contrary to what is shown on TV? Why do you think there is a difference between public perception & actual crime rates?