II Corinthians 5:11-21 Part 2 Reconciliation The Ministry of Healing Broken Relationships
I. Let’s Review…
14.Paul’s true controlling motivation is God’s love as demonstrated at Calvary. This Paul explains, since Jesus died on the cross, we died with Him. Since death is the penalty for sin, we meet God’s holy and just requirement. (See Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death…”)
What controlled you before you came to know the Lord? Pleasure and happiness Achievement Materialism Power and control Being the best Being respected Being popular
For you the Christian, the one overriding motivational force in your life is to be God’s love for you, as evidenced by God sending His only Son to die for you at Calvary.
Five things we know about God’s love… Romans 5:5 – It has been poured into our hearts Romans 5:8 – It is proved in the cross Romans 8:35-39 – Nothing can separate you from it. Ephesians 3:19 – Our human minds are incapable of taking it all in I John 4:19 – It is the pure motivational force for living the Christian life
II. The Doctrine (Teaching) of Reconciliation Reconciliation is one of our fifty spiritual blessings that we received when we became a Christian
Meaning of Reconciliation… Means the fixing of a broken relationship due to hostilities by one or both parties. This is a significant New Testament salvation term. Christians were at one time at war with God. Now because of reconciliation, we currently enjoy peace (shalom) with our Creator.
II Corinthians 5:18-21 is a key passage in the Bible on the doctrine of reconciliation. The other three important passages are: Romans 5:10-11 Ephesians 2:11-16 Colossians 1:19-23
1.Enmity was caused not by God but by man rebelling against God’s rightful authority over his life through sin. Romans 5:10
2.God took the initiative to heal the relationship, not man, by paying the penalty of sin at Calvary through His blood. Colossians 1:22
3.For those who receive the gift, “peace” exists between man and God. In other words, the war is over between you and God. Ephesians 2:14
4.We currently exult in God for this reconciliation. Romans 5:11
5.Purpose of reconciliation is to present us “holy and blameless and beyond reproach.” Colossians 1:22
18.This whole miraculous truth was authored by God Himself Who made peace possible between Himself and us. Then He gave us the job to pass the word to the unbelieving world. III. Commentary
For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. Colossians 1:19-20
19.Paul now gives a full blown explanation of how reconciliation is possible between God and man. Since Christ died on the cross, those who believe are forgiven, hence removing the sin which caused enmity between God and man. Now we who are the reconciled are to get to the streets with the message. 20.Our new job title as Christians is “ambassador.” God speaks through us to non-Christians to get right with God. We should go so far if needed to beg others to do so.
21.For six hours 9:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M., Christ was on the cross. For the last three of those hours the earth stood in total darkness as God turned His back on His Son Who became our sin and paid our price by the only time in eternity that fellowship was ever broken between God the Father and Holy Spirit with God the Son. The result is “justification,” not only are we forgiven but Christ’s righteousness has been transferred to our spiritual bank account.
Wood in Israel was in short supply. It is likely that olive tress were used.
IV. The Call of Believers To Be The Healers of Broken Relationships
Let’s back up a moment… Vs: 18 – Given us the ministry of reconciliation Vs: 19 – Committed to us the word of reconciliation Who is the “us?”
In the nutshell, we are the we, and are called to take the hand of the unbeliever and bring them to the Savior. It is akin the Great Commission. Nutshell theology…
Another issue, if reconciliation is a salvation term, then why in vs: 20 does Paul tell the Corinthians who are believers, “we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God?” Answer: All believers are positionally (by divine decree) reconciled with God, but many experientially (in daily life) don’t live like it. So our ministry of reconciliation must extend to believers who are walking in disobedience.
In summary… You are an ambassador of Christ. You have been commissioned by King Jesus to find those alienated from God and freely give them the gospel of salvation. In addition, this ministry extends to professing believers who have broken relationships in their lives whether it is with the Lord or others.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
Some stories of reconciliation in the Bible… Jacob and Esau – Genesis 33:4-11 The prodigal son and his father – Luke 15: Us to those we have offended – Matthew 5:23-24 Irony – Herod and Pilate reconciled over past differences when sentencing Jesus the Reconciler of the universe to death – Luke 28:8-12 Book of Philemon – Paul helps reconcile Onesimus and Philemon