We have decided to do our advert on the shoe Converse. We chose to do it on Converse as all of our friends wear the shoe, which made it an easier and more enjoyable option for us to do. Converse All Stars (also referred to as "Converses", "Chuck Taylors", "Cons", and "All Stars") is the brand name for a pair of athletic shoes. produced by Nike
Ideas Using the same camera angles as the converse advert We will be using the quick cut transitions to make the advert energetic and exciting. Use and upbeat song to help fit in with the quick cut scenes we will use - Inside Out by Martin Dupont. Video peoples feet wearing different coloured converse, doing different things e.g. Skateboarding, walking, dancing. Roles: Jouan – Script Reece – Act Marlon – Film All of us will contribute to the editing
Ideas Whilst creating this advert we grabbed inspiration from previous converse adverts and other shoe company adverts. We realised that the adverts are energetic and quick moving, whilst editing and filming, we decided to focus on an activity which converse are also well known for, skateboarding. We wanted each clip to be quick moving so the advert wouldn’t get boring and would be exciting.
Inspiration 6R2M 6R2M 1N4 1N4 These are both videos
Filming With the filming we focused on the shoes and making it up paced. We also filmed many of the same clip/scene several times but at different angles so when it came to the editing we can have the same clip but with different points of view. In many of the converse adverts we see this so that is were we got some inspiration from. Like other converse and shoe adverts, the camera zooms out to a long shot but always pans back to a close up of the shoe. It’s almost like a reminder that the advert is about the shoe, because it is focused on skateboarding you tend to look at the people/skateboards and not the shoes as much.
Target Audience We targeted the advert at our own age group 16 and 17 year olds, we only used young people in the advert so people our age could see teenagers wearing the shoes which would make them want to wear them as well. The short clips also show that our advert was targeted at teenagers because you don’t need to have a good attention span to watch because it doesn’t drag on.
Editing We made the editing of the advert quick and flashy to keep it exciting and interesting. The logos randomly popping up makes it different compared to other adverts as you rarely see this in other adverts.