Research: Foundation of the Dietetics Profession Public vs. Subscriber What is the difference between what the general Public can view on the EAL website as a Guest compared to what an ADA member or EAL subscriber can view on the EAL? Updated 2/20/08
general public What the general public can view on the EAL website Evidence Analysis Library® more What more does an ADA member or subscriber see on the EAL website In order to illustrate the differences between these 2 groups, here are a series of slides showing side-by- side comparisons of selected web pages. Public or Guest ADA Member or EAL Subscriber
~60 Evidence Summaries available to the Guest 2 projects are public: Childhood Overweight Pediatric Weight Management Evidence Analysis Library Evidence Summaries ~500 Evidence Summaries published on the EAL TM + more will be added 24 Evidence Analysis Projects with published content + 6 new projects in-progress Public/Guest ADA Member or EAL Subscriber
~200 Worksheets available to the Guest 2 projects are public: Childhood Overweight Pediatric Weight Management Evidence Analysis Library Article Abstracts/Worksheets ~2500 Worksheets published on the EAL TM + more will be added Worksheet = detailed abstract of an individual research article Public/Guest ADA Member or EAL Subscriber
Only the Executive Summary of each Nutrition Practice Guideline is accessible to a Guest Evidence Analysis Library Evidence-based Recommendations Complete Guidelines Major recommendations supporting evidence Algorithm Appendices References and MORE! 5 Nutrition Practice Guidelines 138 published recommendations +3 Guidelines to be added before Fall 2008 Public/Guest ADA Member or EAL Subscriber
Different views, same page Example 1: Evidence Analysis Project (DLM*) Public view ADA Member or EAL Subscriber Guest *Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Evidence Analysis Project Links to 7 topics that link to 66 questions/conclusion statements and 186 abstracted articles/ worksheets NO Links
Different views, same page Example 2: Evidence-based Guideline (AWM*) 2 Links Public Guest 6 Links *Adult Weight Management Evidence based Guideline that link to 17 recommendations, 3 pages of algorithms, etc. ADA Member or EAL Subscriber
Different views, same page Example 3: Print Reports Public ADA Member or EAL Subscriber Print Reports Guest Links to pdf reports NO Links
Remember to sign-in! Sign in each time you use the EAL with your Username and password. 2/20/08