Presented By Abul Hasanat BBS(Hons)LLB Assistant Teacher(Computer)
Follow the following Bar Graph A bar graph is used to show relationships between groups. The two items being compared do not need to affect each other. It's a fast way to show big differences. Notice how easy it is to read a bar graph.
So, Dear Learners. Today’s Lesson Writing about This bar chart
By the end of the lesson Saying and writing what the chart shows and the time period Describe the changes as precisely as they can. Use data and number from the chart. Compare the information. Talk about between or similarities between the group shown. Conclude by saying what the main trends or changes. Describe the same graph or chart of their own.
Let’s follow the chart
Ten years intervals Let’s Analyzing the chart
= 10 years Let’s Analyzing the chart of the number of the students and timing period = 10 years Men = Women = 2000 Men = Women = 4000 Men = Women = 6000 Summary: From 1992 to 2002 male ss fell slightly from to and then remained level. On the other hand the number of female students started from very low number then increased steadily by 2000 each decade.
Let’s Analyzing the vocabulary 1 for describing the chart. present tense I illustrate you illustrate he/she/it illustrates we illustrate they illustrate -ing form : illustrating past simple : illustrated past participle : illustrated present tense I illustrate you illustrate he/she/it illustrates we illustrate they illustrate -ing form : illustrating past simple : illustrated past participle : illustrated Illustrate : to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples The incident illustrates the need for tighter security. For example : Verb1 in a P1
Let’s Analyzing the vocabulary 2 for describing the chart. Slightly : sla ɪ adverb SMALL IN AMOUNT Nouns slight Adjectives slight slighted slightest Adverbs slightly Nouns slight Adjectives slight slighted slightest Adverbs slightly Word Building For example : She's slightly taller than her sister adverb
Let’s Analyzing the vocabulary 3 for describing the chart. Level : = level / ˈ lev. ə l/ adjective EQUAL 4. having the same value, amount, number of points, etc The unions are fighting to keep wages level ( US usually even ) with inflation. Chiappucci would have to win the next three stages in order to draw level with (= reach the same position as) Indurain in the Tour de France. The number of science students in Amjadia remains level. For example : adjective
Let’s Analyzing the vocabulary 3 for describing the chart. relatively / ˈ rel.ə.t ɪ /-t ̬ɪ v-/ adverb 1. relatively good/bad/etc. quite good/bad/etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect He's a relatively good squash player. There was relatively little violence. relatively / ˈ rel.ə.t ɪ /-t ̬ɪ v-/ adverb 1. relatively good/bad/etc. quite good/bad/etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect He's a relatively good squash player. There was relatively little violence. Word Building Nouns relation, relations, relationship, relative, Adjectives related, unrelated, relative, Verbs relate Adverbs relatively Nouns relation, relations, relationship, relative, Adjectives related, unrelated, relative, Verbs relate Adverbs relatively For example : There was relatively little violence adverb
Let’s Analyzing the vocabulary 4 for describing the chart. sharply / ˈʃɑː.pli/ / ˈʃɑː r-/ adverb SUDDENLY quickly and suddenly Inflation has risen/fallen sharply. His health improved/deteriorated sharply this week. The road bends sharply to the left. Nouns (pencil) sharpener sharpness Adjectives sharp Verbs sharpen Adverbs sharp sharply Word Building For example : The imports of Banana fluctuated sharply. adverb
Pair Works: Let’s follow the chart
Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these sentences. 1. The bar chart shows the different numbers of male and female engineering students in three separate years. True False 2.The number of male students rose at first. true False 3.The number of male students stayed the same between the second two years. True False 4. The number of female students went up constantly. True False 5. The number of women rose constantly until there were as many women as men. True False Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these sentences. 1. The bar chart shows the different numbers of male and female engineering students in three separate years. True False 2.The number of male students rose at first. true False 3.The number of male students stayed the same between the second two years. True False 4. The number of female students went up constantly. True False 5. The number of women rose constantly until there were as many women as men. True False
Read and discuss in group the describing chart below And follow the highlights
Write the descriptions in the boxes below for the appropriate changes. a steady riseno changea slight falla sharp rise a steady falla sharp falla slight rise a sharp rise a slight rise a steady rise a steady fall a slight fall a sharp fall no change
1. The bar chart illustrates numbers ________ male and female engineering students in 1992, 2002 and The number of male students fell quite significantly _______________ 1992 and The number of female students was half the number of male students _______________ _______________ contrast, the number of female students rose constantly. 5. Between 2002 and 2012, the number of female engineering students rose _______________ 4,000 _______________ 6,000. Check your writing: gap fill - prepositions Complete the sentences with a preposition. of between in in from to
The following graph shoes the fluctuation in the number of people at a London station over the course of a day. You will try to describe the chart using the system that you learned before