1.What is a Protist? “A one – celled organism that has a nucleus.”
2. Why are protist considered While Bacteria are considered ?
2 answer: Protist have a nucleus and bacteria do not have a nucleus.
3. Would you consider the protist a more advanced or a more primitive organism than the bacteria? Why?
3 answer: The protist is MORE advanced than the bacteria because it has a nucleus.
4. What trophic level are protist found on? Pops note Trophic level = how Do they get food
4 answer: Some protist are consumers, some are producers.
5. Define Protozoan: Protozoan are animal like protist.
6. List the three traits of a :
6answer: (a)CONSUMER (b)MOBILE ( Can Move) (c)Reproduces
7. Draw a colored drawing of an amoeba, label all the parts:
7 answer:
8. Explain AMOEBOID MOVEMENT in detail:
The amoeba sticks out a pseudopod – Pulls entire body into it Sticks out another pseudopod and does it over and over again.
9 answer: The Pseudopod is a “ ” Which is just an extention of the cell membrane.
10. Draw, color, and describe the way amoebas get their food:
10. Box #1
10. Box # 2
10. Box # 3
10 box 4
Description: The amoeba locates prey! Surrounds it with its pseudopods and engulfs it.
11. Draw, color, and label
Paramecium traits: (a)Definite shape (b)Mobile uses cilia (c)Brushes food into its mouth with cilia (d)Contractile vacuoles remove extra water from inside the cell.
12. Trypanosome: Draw, color, label and list traits.
1.A Mobile parasite! 2.Causes African Sleeping Sickness 3.Spread by the TseTse Fly
13. Sporozoans Draw, color, label and list traits
13. (a)Grows from a spore (b)Parasite (c)Immobile
What is a “A sporozoan that causes
13. Cont. What is its VECTOR? This sporozoan is Spread by mosquitoes
15. List three plant like protist:
16. Euglena: Drawing, color, and traits
Euglena Traits: (a)Lives in oceans and fresh water. (b)No cell wall (c)Moves with a flagella (d)Photosynthetic (e)Free living
17. Diatoms:
17.1 Where are diatoms found? Floating on the surface of the ocean.
17.2 What is the purpose of the diatoms? They are producers.
17.3 Three traits of diatoms: (a)Different shapes (b)Glass-like outer covering (c)Floats at top of water
17.4 What is
17.4 Layers of diatom shells that have been dug up from the ocean floor.
17.5 What is the diatom earth used for? To scrape! Toothpaste, scouring powder, filters
18. Dinoflagellate
18. Three triats of the dinoflagellate:
18. Answer: Plant like (photosynthetic) Chlorophyll hidden by red and brown pigments. Move by beating its two flagella.
18. What is RED TIDE? Sometimes, the red dinoflagellates over populate and begin to move across the surface of the ocean like a red wave.
18. Why is Red tide considered an ECOLOGICAL DISASTER?
As the red tide passes over the water, their body waste kills all the fish that are underneath them.
19. What is a slime mold?
Slime mold traits: 1.Fungi like protist 2. Found on the Forest floor. 3. Eats dead leaves, and plants
20. List the three stages of the slime mold life cycle:
20 a. Feeds as individual “amoeba like slime molds. Aggregates! (clumps together” Forms fruiting body that produces the spores.
Single Slime molds Aggregate Fruiting Body producing Spores
21. List two ways that protist are helpful: 1.Food for other living things 2.Some produce oxygen during photosynthesis
22. Complete the following chart:
Trypanosome: How do we catch it? Bite of TseTse Fly Where does it attack? Nervous system Disease? African Sleeping sickness
Plasmodium How do we catch it? Mosquito bites Where does it attack? Blood Stream Disease? Malaria
Amoeba: How? Drinking water polluted by human feces. Where? Human Large Intestine Name of disease? Bloody Diarrhea (Amoebic Dysentery)
Giardia lamblia How? Drinking water from streams, lakes or shallow wells. Where? Large Intestine Name? Camper’s squat (regular diarrhea)
Trichomonas vaginalis
How?? (a)Sexual Contact! (b)Drying off on wet towels (c)Sitting on damp toilet seats (d)Wearing other people’s clothes
Where? The female vagina! Will swim into the male penis, reproduce in his prostate, then reinfect another female. Only females notice symptoms.
Name? Trich (common name)
23. 1 What organism causes Amoebic dysentery? AMOEBA
23.2 WHERE IS THIS ORGANISM FOUND? In under developed countries where sewage gets in their drinking water.
How do people get this disease? By drinking or bathing in water that has sewage in it.
Why don’t the adults get amoebic dysentery? There immune system is strong enough to resist it.
5. Why do children and the elderly get amoebic dysentery? Weaker immune system
Why do outsiders usually come down with this amoebic dysentery? NO IMMUNITY TO IT AT ALL.
7. How can this disease be prevented? BOIL THE WATER BEFORE USING IT. THIS WILL KILL THE AMOEBA