You will need 7-H CLOZE Notes 1
A. Describe Western Europe after the collapse of the Roman empire. B. Describe how Germanic tribes carved Europe into smaller kingdoms. C. Explain how Charlemagne briefly reunited much of western Europe and what happened to the empire after his death 2
A. At its height, the Roman empire included much of western Europe. The Roman Empire at its height, 3
A. At its height, the Roman empire included much of western Europe. It 1. unified the region 2. spread classical ideas, 3. the Latin language, 4. and Christianity. 4
Describe Western Europe after the collapse of the Roman empire. 5
B. When Rome fell in 476, Western Europe plunged into a period political, social, and economic decline. 1. It was politically divided, 2. rural, and 3. largely cut off from the advanced civilizations of China, Middle East, and India. 6
C. During the early 7 th century: 1. little, if any, trade, 2. towns were hardly filled, 3. learning hardly ever occurred 4. time known as The Dark Ages. 7
D. Eventually a new European civilization would rise that blended Greco-Roman, Germanic, and Christian traditions. This period would become known as the Middle Ages. 8
Describe how Germanic tribes carved Europe into smaller kingdoms. 9
A. The Germanic tribes - the Goths, Vandals, Saxons, and Franks -- who invaded Rome and its empire were: 1. farmers & herders 2. no cities 3. no written laws. 10
B. In the 5 th century, the strongest kingdom to emerge from the many created by the Germanic tribes was the kingdom of the Franks. 1. In 481, Clovis of the Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. 11
Beginning : rule of Clovis 13
Rule of Clovis 14
End: Rule of Clovis 15
B. In the 5 th century, the strongest kingdom to emerge from the many created by the Germanic tribes was the kingdom of the Franks. 1. In 481, Clovis of the Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. a. Ruled his lands with the customs of the Franks, he preserved much of the Roman legacy. 16
B. In the 5 th century, the strongest kingdom to emerge from the many created by the Germanic tribes was the kingdom of the Franks. 1. In 481, Clovis of the Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. b. Clovis converted to Christianity, the religion of the people of Gaul, and gained a powerful ally in the Roman Catholic Church. 17
C. At the same time, the Muslims were rising in the Middle East. 1. Muslim armies conquered Christian lands from Palestine to North Africa and Spain. 18
C. At the same time, the Muslims were rising in the Middle East. 2. In 732, the Muslim army was stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in France. 19
C. At the same time, the Muslims were rising in the Middle East. 3. Though the Muslims were defeated by Charles Martel and the Franks, they continued to rule much of Spain htm?l=en 20
D. The European Christians 1. watched what was happening in the Muslim world, 2. viewed them with hostility, 3. eventually learned from them. 21
Explain how Charlemagne briefly reunited much of western Europe and what happened to the empire after his death 22
A. Charlemagne fought against 1. Muslims in Spain 2. Saxons in north 3. Avars & Slavs in east 4. Lombards in Italy 5. eventually reunited much of the ancient Roman empire and included France, Germany, and parts of Italy. 23
B. Christmas 800: Pope Leo crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans. 1. Significance: a. Revived idea of united Christian community which became known as Christendom b. Led to power struggles between popes and German emperors 24
B. Christmas 800: Pope Leo crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans. 1. Significance: c. Byzantine emperor so not happy with action! After all, he was heir to Rome! d. Deepened schism between eastern and western Christianity 25
C. Charlemagne created a unified Christian Empire 1. Sent missionaries to edges of empire conversion of Saxons & Slav 2. Appointed powerful nobles to rule local regions 3. Appointed Missi dominici –check up on nobles & conditions of roads, listen to grievances, and “administer the law fully and justly in the case of the holy churches of God and of the poor of wards and of widows, and of the whole people”(Ellis 216). 26
C. Charlemagne revived learning 1. Believed education would help unify country 2. Encouraged creation of local schools to revive Latin learning 3. Brought best scholars to his court at Aachen to teach at Palace school 27
Beginning : rule of Clovis 29
Rule of Clovis 30
End: Rule of Clovis 31
Three Frankish Kingdoms 32
Carolingian dynasty 33
Beginning: Charlemagne 34
A. After struggling for control for more than thirty years, Charlemagne’s grandsons finally ended their struggle with the Treaty of Verdun which divided his empire into three regions. 35
B. Even though his empire collapsed after his death, Charlemagne’s influence left a lasting legacy. 1. extended Christian civilization into northern Europe 2. further blended German, Roman, & Christian traditions. 36
B. Even though his empire collapsed after his death, Charlemagne’s influence left a lasting legacy. 3. set up a strong, efficient government which later European rulers would emulate. 37
C. After Charlemagne’s death, Europe continued to be threatened by Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings. _10th_Century_Europe 38
Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor and Anthony Esler. World History. Pearson Prentice Hall: Boston,