The Renaissance and Reformation Ms. Hunt RMS IB Unit 2
Warm Up- The Renaissance Man After viewing the video clip… – On the space noted on your guided notes, list some topics that were discussed in the music video regarding the Renaissance. – You may think of people, places, events, etc. *Use your neighbor to help brainstorm what you saw!
The Roman Catholic Church survived the fall of the Roman Empire Spread of Christianity across Europe – Many of the Germanic Tribes turned to Christianity Church was the main source of education Church officials built universities for nobility – Monks acted as preservers of literature y did the people consider the church so important during this time period? The Role of the Church
1.The Crusades: a series of military expeditions to take back the Holy Land (modern day Palestine) from the Muslims – Led to centuries of mistrust between Christians and Muslims – Resulted in economic growth by increasing trade between Europe and the Middle East 2.Importance of towns increased - Brought people together, unifying culture 3.Feudal lords lost power because serfs left for better work 4.Black Death – Killed 30-50% of the population – Labor shortage = weaker feudal ties Forces of Change
What was the Renaissance? A great revival of art, literature and learning Political- – Peace and Stability Economy- – Merchants felt safe traveling the roads – Trade began again – Towns grew Cultural- – Travel spread new ideas – A time of change differences that you can already see between The Middle Ages and The Renaissance? Think about it!- What are some differences that you can already see between The Middle Ages and The Renaissance? are some
300 year period of renewed interest in learning and art Rediscover ancient Greek and Roman knowledge New ideas about art, science, and humanity. The Dawn of the Renaissance
Began in Italy Increased trade made Italians wealthy Became patrons of the arts Think!- Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci Built and furnished palaces Built churches, fountains, and sculptures Art reflected the beliefs of the period – Secular instead of just religious – More lifelike and landscapes The "Rebirth" of Europe
Patrons of the Arts Those who financed the work of artists during the Renaissance.
Comparing Art- Turn and Talk! What are some similarities and differences between these two pieces? Medieval Renaissance
1400’s- Italy to France, England, and Germany More cities and trade routes Creation of new class- – Wealthy merchant class – Artists and writers Reforms to existing religious practices – Criticism of the Catholic Church Printing Press developed – Spread of literature People began to examine and question The Renaissance Spreads
Turn and Talk!- What influence did the printing press have during the Renaissance?
Created by Johann Gutenberg in 1450 Machine that pressed type to paper Could create 500 times as many books in the same amount of time First book- The Bible Effects of the printing press- – Books became cheaper to buy and own – Literacy spreadw did the printing press help ideas spread during the Renaissance? The Printing Press
1500’s- a movement to change church practices Criticism of the Catholic Church Protestant Reformation begins with Martin Luther – Ninety-Five Theses – a statement of beliefs nailed to the door of a Catholic Church, he viewed the Catholic Church as corrupt – Ideas spread quickly throughout Europe – Protestant sects were created (out of PROTEST) Example- Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc. The Protestant Reformation
Other Reformations Catholic Reformation- in response to the creation of new Christian sects – Worked to acquire more followers England’s Reformation- Creation of the Church of England – King Henry VIII created his own church in response to the Pope
Following the video clip, respond to the following question… What power did the Reformation give to individuals, both citizens and leaders, over people? Do you believe all people support the Reformation? Explain why or why not.
Cause and Effect Chart Using your guided notes, complete the cause and effect chart. CauseEffect Fall of the Roman Empire-Charlemagne came to power (brought a “small rise” to Europe) -Establishment of Feudalism The Plague-Two thirds (2/3) of the population died -People accused different groups for bringing the Plague -Led people to question what they know Challenges to the Church-Protestant Reformation (Creation of new church out of protest!) -Catholic Reformation (Church’s work to regain followers)