Estimation Whole numbers, Sums, Differences, Products, and Quotients
What is an estimation? An approximate or close answer that is easier and faster to find. We round to compatible numbers or numbers that are close to the problem numbers and help us do mental math An estimate that is less than our exact answer is an underestimate. An estimate that is more than our exact answer is an overestimate.
Estimation Rules Step 1: Underline the place value we are looking for. Step 2: Circle the number immediately to the right of our place value number. Step 3: If the circled number is: ◦ 5 or more, we raise the score (add 1 to our place value) ◦4 or less, we let it rest (leave the place value number the same) Step 4: We change all values after our underlined place value to a zero.
Example Estimate 2,419 to nearest thousand. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: 4 < 5 so we leave 2 the same Step 4: So, 2,000 is our estimate of 2, 419.
You Try Use your steps to estimate the following number: 53,819 to the thousands place
Sums or Differences by Rounding We can estimate sums or differences by rounding as well. Example: 5, ,516; thousands 5,439 we round to _5,000__. 7,516 we round to __8,000_. SO- 5, ,000 gives us __13,000_.
You Try 62, ,511; ten thousands