Welcome Calculation evening. Mathematical vocabulary is important
Expectations in Calculation National Curriculum expectations have been raised this year across all year groups. Year group expectations for each operation are provided with copies of the Calculation policy which explains the methods we use.
Addition - Number bonds and counting on activities. Children use numberlines, numicon and 100 squares to support addition of basic number bonds to 10,20,100
Place value Children use dienes rods to understand Place Value. Children learn addition can be done in any order ( commutative).
Written methods Written methods are introduced with partitioning eg = = 854. Introduce ‘carrying’
Carrying = Start with = 14, carry 10 Add = 120, carry 100 Add = 800 = 824
Moving to column addition – Start by lining up digits Put your numbers underneath each other. 100’s 10’s 1’s Remember your 100s, 10s and ones! (We use flip cards to help develop this understanding)
Always start with the ones! Start with the smallest numbers. (ones) (5 + 2) Work from right to left.
Next go on to add the tens! Put the tens underneath the units (5 +2) 70 ( ) DON’T FORGET THAT YOU ARE ADDING 10S NOT ONES!
Finally add your 100s and total it all up!! (5 + 2) 70 ( ) 100 ( ) 177
Moving onto a more compact method.. Children will begin to carry above the line so = 13, carry the 10 above the line =
Put in real life context Children will begin to learn about decimals, for example in the context of adding sums of money
Subtraction Key Stage 1 Children learn to subtract using 100 squares or numberlines counting back. Moving on to subtraction with by partitioning. Use dienes rods to explain exchanging eg
Exchanging 73 – 46 Start with 7 tens and 3 ones. You cannot take away 6 ones so need to exchange a ten for 10 ones. You then have 60 in tens and 13 in ones so can complete the subtraction = 27 ‘Twenty seven’ ‘Now take aay the forty and six’ ‘Twenty seven’ ‘Now take aay the forty and six’
Partitioning and decomposition Simple column subtraction Start with the ones (9-7)…. 80 and = 32
From this children will begin to exchange, they learn that they cannot simply swap the numbers around to make the subtraction easier… Start with the ones… 1 -5 (1 subtract 5 cannot be done so we exchange a ten for ten ones) and = 26
This expanded method is recorded as.. This would be recorded by the children as = 26 A more compact method would be written as
Multiplication Key Stage 1 Children will start with repeated addition eg 3 x 2 = and arrays eg3 x 5 …..
They then commence partitioning.. 38 x 5 = (30 x 5) + (8 x 5) = = 190 This can be shown as the grid method…
Grid method 23 x 8 TU x U (children will approximate first eg 25 x 8) x
Grid method linked to long multiplication Grid method linked to formal written method eg 243 x 36 = 7290 =
Division This starts with simple sharing and grouping activities using cubes etc
Children will use numberlines for repeated subtraction to show division They will use calculations which give a remainder 13 ÷ 4 = 3 r 1 r More formal division
Short division Old bus stop method _ 1_ ) 7 ¹5 ³8 ²4 6 into 7 goes once with 1 left over, 6 into 15 goes twice with 3 left over, 6 into 38 goes 6 with 2 left over, 6 into 24 goes 4 times ****Shows the importance of tables knowledge****
Long division eg 3765 ÷ 15 = ) 3765 (15 into 3000 = 200) 3000 (take off 3000) 765 (15 into 750 = 50) 15 (15 into 15 = 1)
Problem solving We will provide children with problem solving activities involving all 4 operations, for example measuring and adding up the perimeter of the playing field. We also use missing number sentences where children need to use the inverse operation for example 6 x ? = 96.
Any questions? Please feel free to walk around the classes and have a go at some maths problems…