OFFICER TRANSITIONS & RECRUITMENT Alumnae Chapter Academy 2015 Dallas, Texas
OFFICERS Each alumnae chapter shall have an Executive Board comprised of a minimum of three elected officers. These will normally consist of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the chapter.
LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION In an alumnae chapter, the existing officers should do whatever it takes to get more members involved, to nurture them and to encourage them to seek opportunities to serve on committees or in appointed positions. Alumnae chapters should actively try to diversify its leadership and be as inclusive as possible when it comes to who is placed into the various positions.
LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION It is important to be upfront and honest about any time commitments that one may be asked to give up when volunteering for a leadership opportunity, and any potential leader should know and understand the officer responsibilities before being considered for a specific position.
LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS Leadership has many defining characteristics: it is the ability to guide, manage, inspire, encourage and motivate others toward chapter goals. Leadership means making tough decisions, which do not necessarily follow tradition and "the way it's always been done." Leadership includes risk-taking to help the chapter meet challenges and solve problems with innovation and creativity. Previous Alpha Phi leadership roles is not required to hold a position in an alumnae chapter.
RECRUITING TIPS Attempt to find nominees of varying age groups and collegiate chapters; As people are nominated, call them while at the Nominating Committee meeting to find out if they will accept the nomination; Stress why you are asking them to fill the office. Make them feel needed and then do not let them take too long to give you their answer;
RECRUITING TIPS Sometimes, it is a good strategy to find the supporting officers before asking someone to serve as President. Then the presidential nominee is assured of a full Executive Board, which will make her job easier; If a qualified individual refuses one office, offer her one with less responsibility because you feel she can make a contribution as a member of the Executive Board. Remember people love to be asked and told they are important to the success of the chapter!
SMALL CHAPTER RECRUITMENT Tips for a chapter with problems in officer recruitment If you know someone who would be good, contact her personally and explain the chapter's need to her; Do not wait until the last few days before the deadline to find a replacement. Work all year long on officer recruitment by encouraging qualified members to consider major offices in the alumnae chapter; Do not make your job look too hard and make sure that all officers promote a positive image of their position; If you really have a problem in officer recruitment, contact your Alumnae Chapter Administrator (ACA).
ELECTIONS Nominating Committee
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE The method selected for nominating officers depends upon the size of the chapter and the frequency of meetings. Alpha Phi International recommends the use of a Nominating Committee. The committee should be chosen in the fall and the slate should be announced at the meeting before the elections take place (i.e. announce the slate in March and vote in April). If your chapter is large enough to use a Nominating Committee but does not meet frequently, you may need to have the slate presentation and the elections at the same meeting.
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE The committee should be appointed and the names of the committee members should be made known to the rest of the membership. Suggestions should be solicited by the committee from all members of the chapter. Suggestions may be made verbally, by written correspondence or by . It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to thoughtfully consider the potential of each candidate. The committee should meet as many times as is necessary but should meet a minimum of once and prepare a slate that is presented to the chapter in the spring.
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE The advantages of a Nominating Committee are twofold. 1.First, the committee can consult each nominee in advance and be sure that the nominee will accept the nomination when it is made. 2.Second, the Nominating Committee can make up "a slate" of nominees for each position who will work together harmoniously if all the members of the slate are elected.
USE THE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OFFICERS’ MANUAL This is the largest tool your chapter’s officers can utilize With this manual in hand, you can… Review chapter expectations Review chapter goals Review officer position descriptions Manual can be found on the Alumnae Chapter Officer Resource page
USE YOUR ALUMNAE CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR (ACA) This Alpha Phi volunteer has been assigned to work specifically with your alumnae chapter & will be an amazing resource in the coming year. With her, you can… Review chapter history Compare your chapter with other similar size/geography Get ideas!
HOLD A TRANSITION MEETING Hold a Transition meeting with both outgoing and incoming officers Put it on the annual calendar. Set an agenda. Have one-on-one time between officers to review position responsibilities. Have group time to review the past term. What were the goals of the outgoing officers? What did they accomplish, what would they still like to see happen? What “worked” and “didn’t work” for the chapter? Celebrate a job well done, honor outgoing officers!
GENERAL OFFICER EXPECTATIONS Share general expectations with all officers. It is the responsibility of the elected chapter officers to oversee aspects of chapter business and operations. Additionally, chapter officers should know their individual responsibilities: Keep an officer notebook/files to pass on to her successor. File in her notebook, the year end officer report. Be familiar with the Policies & Procedures (P&P) of Alpha Phi along with the Alumnae Chapter bylaws. Attend all executive committee meetings and chapter meetings. Read all mailings sent to the chapter – Alumnae Chapter President newsletter sent monthly. Compile all required forms and reports to the EO. Participate in officer meetings and/or trainings. Stay current on alumnae chapter initiatives and business.
EXECUTIVE BOARD RETREAT Consider hosting an Executive Board Officer Retreat. Put it on the annual calendar Set an agenda Set expectations among each other for responsibilities, communication Set Chapter Goals Set individual officer goals Bond as SISTERS! HAVE FUN!
REPORT TRANSITIONS The Executive Office must be notified of any change in chapter officer positions. It is important that Executive Office has accurate records of this information, so that these individuals may access all of the resources on the Alpha Phi website that pertain to alumnae chapters.