Youth employment policies, programmes and …
SMALL COUNTRY, BIG CHALLENGES UNEMPLOYMENT (2014): Unemployment rate: 24.6 % in 2015 (Q4) Activity rate (Q4-2015): 56.6% Employment rate (Q4-2015): 42.7% 27.1% vs. 28.4% Youth (aged 15-29): Unemployment rate: 40% in 2015 (Q4) Activity rate (Q4-2015): 49.6% Employment rate (Q4-2015): 29.7% About the country Population 2.06 million Poverty Rate 30.4 %
EMPLOYMENT POLICIES I. National employment strategy y. II. National action plan for youth employment y. III. Operational plan for active labor market programmes and measures
The National Action Plan for Youth Employment consists of four strategic goals The Action Plan for Youth Employment consists of four strategic goals: - Improvement alignment betweem supply and demand on the labor market - Promoting job creation led by the private sector - Facilitating the transition of young people into the world of work
Aims Of the Operational Plan for active labor market programmes defining the type of programs and measures for employment deadlines for implementation successful coordination between stakeholders reducing unemployment and providing smart sustainable and inclusive growth
Self-employment Programme Annual Target: Support creation of new businesses (start-ups) with 3,000 Euro in equipment and materials Trainings on entrepreneurship and business skills development Counseling support by experts for Business plan development Support for registration of businesses (legal entities) Support in procurement of equipment and materials Mentoring throughout the entire implementation cycle Additional support of start-ups after registration phase
Remarkable 70 % success rate for start-ups from year (total 7721 start-ups) Self-employment Programme 39% increase of new jobs in the active companies
Fact & figures about youth 2,371 (31%) established micro businesses by young entrepreneurs 35 % women65 % men Success rate 70 % Over 7,000 unemployed young up to 29 years old have applied (31%) during year More than 3,056 attended training “Entrepreneurship and business planning” during the year
Trainings in labor market demanded skills Since 2015 year more then 80 private companies are registered to be private training providers In GOAL: support national inter-institutional and business sector cooperation for development and delivery of vocational training programs as per labor market needsbusiness sector
Trainings in labor market demanded skills 266 (33%) got employment after 12 months of the training; In the period year : More than 1190 unemployed have been trained in demanded skills; Created more than 90 new training programs 573 or 48% of total trainees are young people up tp 29 years old;
Internship Programme Annual Target: Young unemployed up to 29 years old Gaining practical learning and work experience in the private sector employer Financial support of denars per month for three months period of internship for each trained person
Internship Program In the period year More than young unemployed gain practical work experience More than 50% of the successfully finished participants are still employed without taking into account the year he completed the program
Selfemployment by loans Programe Annual Target: Young unemployed up to 29 years old Financial support of euro for opening new business and additional euro for opening additional 4 new jobs for young people up to 29 years old. Grace period of 18 months and 1% of interest annual
Self employment by loans Program In the period year 467 young unemployed opened their own business by loans Additional 237 new jobs for young people in the companies opened by self employment by loans
Subsidizing employment for young unemployed people up to 29 years by exemption of paying contributions Benefit: 1 year exemption of paying contribution for mandatory social insurance Obligation: Employer must keep the employee at least 1 year more after finishing the priod of subsidize. In the period march march 2016 year: More than young unemployed are employed by this law possibility and most of the employees (60%) are with secondary education
Skills Observatory Goals: To provide support to educational policies for the development of vocational and professional education in Macedonia via the provision of adequate analytical and information capacities; To provide assistance to parents, and secondary and higher education students when making choices about their occupation or education, in order to increase their employability in the future; To ensure compliance between the demand of the labor market and education.
Skills Observatory Services that are to be provided by the Skills Observatory : Information on the current educational and training programs; Information on the curricula; Information on the placement of secondary and higher education students in the labor market; Link to existing information; Promotion of the labor demand according to the skills and education profile. Institutions that will provide data: Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia; Accredited higher education institutions in the Republic of Macedonia (universities, faculties, institutes, schools…); Secondary schools (Education Information System – EMIS/Е- Journal); Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of Macedonia; Adult Education Center.