S TUDY SKILLS : R EADING Dr Malgorzata Drewniok University of Southampton, UK
A IMS OF THIS WORKSHOP To learn/revise how to teach reading effectively in academic context To consider what problems students might have To consider what these specific students need To share ideas and come away with new ones for your classes
T O KEEP IN MIND : CEFR B1: Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. B2: Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. C1: Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning
T HIS WORKSHOP Main aimChoosing a textWorking with a text Particular tasksChoosing what to readSkimming and scanning Academic vs. non academic Evaluating – critical reading
D ECIDING WHAT TO READ How to find quickly what to read and what to discard? reading abstracts and conclusions (articles) to decide whether a text is useful/relevant; looking at table of contents, intros, conclusions, indexes (books) to decide whether the book or a chapter in it is useful/relevant;
O NLINE SOURCES How do we recognize reliable source? Are all online sources BAD? Evaluating online sources (reliable vs. unreliable) – looking at real academic texts (task from EAP Now! – table with questions to evaluate an online source)
A CADEMIC VS. NON - ACADEMIC How to distinguish an academic text from a non- academic one Task: two texts – one academic ( Nature ) and one non-academic ( Time ) How are they different? How can we use these texts in class?
H OW ARE THEY DIFFERENT ? Language References structure
S KIMMING AND SCANNING Skimming for the main idea Scanning for specific information Task: two texts – editorials 1 group – skim for main idea 2 group – scan for key words Time: 1 minute!
B IAS Evaluating texts for bias – critical reading – two examples: editorials Same topic: refugees/illegal immigrants, different perspective what specific words and phrases are used to express a particular attitude and why? What is critical reading? How can we teach it?
B IAS (2) Two longer texts: The Queen visit to Ireland – BBC vs. Irish Times How are they different?
T O SUM UP Effective (and efficient) reading Techniques to evaluate quickly suitability of a given text Recognizing academic texts (academic style) Skimming and scanning Recognizing bias – critical reading Academic reading improves academic writing.
U SEFUL SOURCES Cox, K. and Hill D. (2004). EAP Now! English for Academic Purposes. Pearson Longman. Glendinning, E.H. and Holström, B. (2004). Study Reading. Cambridge UP. Godfrey, J. (2013). How to Use your Reading in your Essays. Palgrave Study Skills. Palgrave Macmillan. McCarter, S. and Jakes, P. (2009). Uncovering EAP. How to Teach Academic Writing and Reading. Macmillan Books for Teachers. Slaght, J. (2012). English for Academic Study: Reading. Garnet Education.
U SEFUL ONLINE RESOURCES Using English for Academic Purposes. A Guide for Students in Higher Education. Sections on: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary; Online exercises with answers; useful vocabulary. Phrase bank for academic writing at Manchester University