N8-HPC and Polaris Alan Real, Robin Pinning Technical Director(s), N8-HPC
N8 HPC ‘Assets’ Research Impact & Industrial Growth Research-led (Vertical) Themes Network Cross-cutting (horizontal) themes in methods and techniques Cross-cutting (horizontal) themes in methods and techniques Institutional, specialist research computing support Specialist Facility Support N8 Industry Innovation Forum Business Engagement Teams Research Computing Training Doctoral Training (CDT) Institutional, specialist research computing support Specialist Facility Support N8 Industry Innovation Forum Business Engagement Teams Research Computing Training Doctoral Training (CDT) Centre of Excellence Infrastructure Industrial Partnerships Research
HPC facility Ghz Intel Sandy Bridge cores 2:1 blocking QDR infiniband 4GB/core ( TB Lustre parallel filesystem CentOS/Redhat 6.3 based. SGE scheduler, Intel/GNU Compilers, OpenMPI/IntelMPI/MVAPICH2 Locally- and centrally-provided software. #291 in June 2012 Top500 Proposal for refresh 4x budget. 2015/16. Configuration driven by your aspirations.
Key information –For PIs – Project application –For users – User – your local HPC team SiteTechnicalStakeholder DurhamHenk SlimPaul Drummond LancasterMike PacyRoger Jones LeedsMark DixonDavid Hogg LiverpoolCliff AddisonKen Badcock ManchesterRobin PinningChris Taylor NewcastleJanet WheelerNilanjan Chakraborty SheffieldMike GriffithsJohn Harding YorkAndrew SmithMatt Probert