Instructional Plan | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan For Associate’s Degree in Library Skills (Donna Roy)
Instructional Plan | Slide 2 Needs Assessment 1.What is the learning problem or opportunity? Researching local community businesses to see if there was an educational need showed that there is a need for library skills classes for the Kelsey Library. 2.What is currently available? There are computer classes but there are no library skills classes available at Northwest Valley Community College. 3.What should be available? There should be classes so that student can become a librarian at a school or community library. 4.Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available. There are not enough classes offered to get a degree and become a librarian there should be classes created for a degree in library sciences. 5.What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? Work with Kelsey Library to come up with a degree program in library sciences that includes an internship at the library
Instructional Plan| Slide 3 Instructional Goal After successfully completing the coursework of the Associate’s Degree Program in Library Sciences with a C or above, students will attend an internship at Kelsey Library. Upon completion of the internship with a B or above the student will be eligible to graduate with an Associate’s degree and begin a career as a librarian at a school or community library.
Instructional Plan | Slide 4 Performance-Based Objectives Identify two PBOs following the below guidelines: 1. After successfully completing Library Skills 201 with a C or above students will be able to discuss the roles and current issues affecting librarians in school, community, and other types of libraries. These students will be then be allowed to take LS Upon completion of Library Skills(LS) 202 with an A students will be able to explain how media are organized and classified in a library and to be able to show the instructor that they can find a 3 different media such as a book, newspaper, and reference book with 100% accuracy.
Instructional Plan | Slide 5 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes In LS 201 students will show proficiency through multiple choice tests about library science roles, essay questions about current issues affecting library sciences, and a report on an interview with a librarian. In LS 202 students will show proficiency by writing a report discussing how all media is organized and classified in a library and by an essay question exam in which the student must correctly explain how to retrieve 3 different media and state exactly where it is found in a library.
Instructional Plan | Slide 6 Learner Characteristics A Library Skills Class with 15 women and 5 men between 18 to 50 years of age with a high school education and an interest in literature, organization, and the running of a library. Students must have had a C average or above in high school and must maintain a C or above in classes required in the program. Students will learn visually, audibly, and through hands on learning. This program should yield highly trained librarians.
Instructional Plan | Slide 7 This section includes the following: Students will learn in a classroom setting at Northwest Valley Community College and receive hands on training at Kelsey Library. Students will receive course work at the community college and an internship at Kelsey Library. These classes and internship will prepare students for a job in library sciences. Students and teacher will fill out evaluation forms before and after each class to let management see what needs to be changed in their instructional plan. Learning Context
Instructional Plan | Slide 8 Delivery Modality The Library Sciences courses will be taught in two ways: Web-enhanced courses that utilizes blackboard to help enhance the face-to-face instruction with online resources and other helpful information for students. Hands-on apprentice type of courses that will be done at Kelsey Library where students will learn skills required to be a librarian and to perform them effectively.
Instructional | Slide 9 Instructional Strategies The students will learn the issues affecting the different libraries and librarians, and the skills required to be a librarian. This will be done through lectures, exams, power points, a paper, videos, and hands on work. The first day of class a Pre-test will be given to see what the students already know. When teaching the issues affecting libraries and librarians there will be an end of class question and answer sessions, students will interview a librarian, and weekly exams.
Instructional Strategies When teaching the skills required to be a librarian first a skills assessment will be given to see what the students already know. Then each skill will be introduced by lecture, then students will be shown the skill, the students will then perform the skill. After 2 skills are introduced and learned there will be a practical in which the students must perform the skills. All skills must be completed successfully in order to continue in the program. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10
Instructional Plan | Slide 11 Plan for Implementation Library Skills 201 is an 8 week class that meets 3 times a week. Week 1 - History of Libraries and introduction to library sciences, assign students to interview a librarian and write their findings in a paper due week 6, quiz about the week’s discussions. Week 2 – Discussion of the different types of libraries with video and power point, tour of the Northwest Valley Community College, quiz. Week 3 – Discussion of librarian responsibilities and duties with power points and videos, quiz Week 4 – Discussion of the library in a schools and colleges and the librarian’s role in the school systems, test over first 4 weeks
Plan for Implementation Week 5 – Discussion of community libraries and the role of the librarian in the community, Tour of Kelsey Library, quiz. Week 6 – Discussion of the issues affecting libraries and librarians today, Take up interview papers, quiz. Week 7 – Compare the different types of libraries and how the librarians role is different in each Week 8 – Review for final exam, hand back papers, student evaluation, final. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12
Plan for Implementation The facilitators are the course instructor, a librarian from Kelsey library, and the NVCC librarian. The library science students are the learners. There is a textbook required for the class, set up tour dates at the NVCC and Kelsey Library, have power points and videos ready, and quizzes and tests prepared. The implementation team is the instructor, the librarians, head of the department, college IT person. Pick the textbook that will work for the class and find videos about libraries. The power points will be made by the instructor to correspond with the textbook. A blackboard shell will be set up for the class for correspondence with the students and for posting power points and videos. Instruction will be given at Northwest Valley Community College and Kelsey Library. The Library Sciences classes will be given every 8 weeks for 12 months. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13
Plan for Implementation There will a syllabus given to the students outlining what is expected from them for the class including grading scale and class schedule. The Library Skills program will be in the school catalog and online school catalog. There will also be a college career fair in which students get to speak with members of each program and to ask questions. Flyers will be posted in Kelsey Library. Students have to apply to get into program. Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED and 3 letters of recommendation. Students must agree to keep a C average in all college courses. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14
Instructional Plan | Slide 15 Instructional Resources The materials necessary for this class is a Library Skills textbooks, computer will be required to prepare the power points, quizzes, and exams and to download the power points and videos onto blackboard. Blackboard will need to be set up for the class to allow the students to view the power points and videos from home. Videos that show the different libraries and librarians at work. Students will need to have computer access and printer access, required textbooks, notebooks, and pencils.
Instructional Plan | Slide 16 Formative Assessment 1.One minute papers are when the students are given a question and few minutes to answer them. 2. Student conference is a one on one discussion with the students to see if they understand the course content. 3. Student Self Assessment in which students go over the learning outcomes for the class and see if they have fully achieved them. 4. Oral questioning in which the instructor asks students questions and they answer verbally. 5. Journal entry is when a the students write what they learned about in class each day and instructor checks periodically.
Instructional Plan | Slide 17 - Pre- survey is when the students tell what they hope to get from the class and what goals they want to fulfill. - Post-survey is when the students tell whether they achieved their desired outcomes from the class. -Student Evaluations are when the students rate the course and the instructor. -Teacher Evaluations are when the teacher evaluates the class, the instructional design, and tells what problems they had. - Follow-up with college administration includes data on students grades and whether the students successfully met the course goals and objectives and whether the design was successful. Evaluation Strategies
Instructional Plan | Slide 18 Outcome Review -Fulfillment of learning outcomes will be shown through the students’ grades on quizzes and exams, homework, and participation of classroom activities. - A rubric is used to tell show the student what criteria is needed to be met to successfully complete an assignment. - Student Portfolios will include all the students work in the class that shows proof that they have understood and accomplished the learning goals for the class.
Instructional Plan | Slide 19 Recommendations -That the students have more hands on experience in different library settings not just at the Kelsey Library. - Have an online library simulation in which the students can access and practice their skills as if they were already a librarian, this will give the lectures and hand-on clinical experience more effective. - Have stricter requirements to get into the program adding that the students must have taken the ACT and received a score of 18 or higher.
Instructional Plan | Slide 20 References Ferriman, J. (2013). Addie Model Explained [Infographic]. Retrieved from Assessment Of Student Learning Outcomes in the Major. (2013). Retrieved from Designing Effective and Innovative Courses. (2013). Retrieved from nt.html Evaluation/Implementation Procedures. (2013). Retrieved from Formative Assessment Strategy. (2013). Retrieved from
References Roberts, L. (2005). Industrial Technology Project: Grading Rubric. Retrieved from Instructional Plan Template | Slide 21