My Epiphone Les Paul By Gabe Dell’Aira
In comparison to the Fender Strat the Epiphone Les Paul has a heavier sound (as well as weight) The Les Paul Ultra has the heavier sound, with out the weight This is because of cavities that have been drilled under the top
Now for those who aren’t familiar with guitar lingo don’t get mad get glad! This is the top
This is the head stock These are the tuners And this is the neck
This is the back No da!
Now that you are somewhat familiar with the Basics lets start on the more complex You can see the cut out on the back The standard Les Paul has a flat back (This an ultra)
And here is me playing a Les Paul Can you guess this one? (I know it’s a bad recording)
Here is a professional playing a Les Paul Can You guess that song?
Here is a price comparison on different Les Pauls
Now some of you my say “wait a second you slimed brained Rocker what’s a Gibson?” Gibson is the company that really makes the Les Paul (but the only real difference is were its made and the cost) Others would disagree with me
Last but not least Amplification!!!
Amplification is as if not more important Than the Guitar. It’s well known that Les Pauls (both brands) Sound best with Marshall amps. Don’t ask me why they just do
Now that you know it’s time for you To back to your daily lives and forget All that I told you.