Style Style is the author’s unique way of expressing his/her ideas. WORD CHOICE VOICE SENTENCE STRUCTURE CONVENTIONS
More On Style… A writer may change his/her style for different kinds of writing and for different audiences Diction is a writer’s word choice FORMAL/INFORMAL DENOTATION CONNOTATION
AUTHOR’S TONE Literary Concepts
Author’s TONE An author’s tone is the “voice” or attitude toward the subject of the passage and is often directly related to the purpose. A useful technique for determining an author's tone is to envision the sound of the author's voice as if he/she were reading the passage aloud. Often an author's tone is indicated by adjectives like: cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, prayerful, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, excited
Checking For Understanding A former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite writes, "Naturally, nothing of any significance is going to be said in seven seconds, but this seems to work to the advantage of many politicians. They are not required to say anything of significance, and issues can be avoided rather than confronted." What is the tone of this passage? (a) anxious (b) positive (c) critical (d) encouraging Like many students, Charles Darwin excelled only in subjects that intrigued him. Although his father was a physician, Darwin was uninterested in medicine and unable to stand the sight of surgery. What he really liked to do was observing plants and animals, collecting new specimens. What is the tone of this passage? (a) complaining (b) factual (c) confident (d) calm
Checking For Understanding A year after the birth of their first child, Sherri and Ernie received a phone call from Heather, who asked how well they liked parenthood: "Is it a joy, a dilemma, a stressful experience-how would you describe it?" Chuckling, Sherri and Ernie responded in unison, "All of the above!” What is the tone of this passage? (a) timid (b) humorous (c) impartial (d) doubtful
Are you in the MOOD? Mood is the overall feeling a reader or writer has about a piece of writing and its subject. ACTIVE and PASSIVE voice ACTIVE: Tim killed the chicken hawk. PASSIVE: The chicken hawk was killed by Tim. Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive moods INDICATIVE: (indicates something) I need some help. IMPERATIVE: (expresses a command) Help me! SUBJUNCTIVE: (Verbs that show something contrary to facts) If I were smart, I'd call for help.
Mood Activity I hated those little snack- pack cereals. Still do. Don’t like portion control. And on the side they would explain how to cut along the perforated lines and pour the milk right into the box. What was the point of this? Pretending your parents couldn’t afford a bowl? 1. READ the passage. What is the style, tone, and mood of it? __________________ ________________ ________________