1 3Cs & HIV Programme Chlamydia, Contraception, Condoms & HIV A programme to support basic sexual health provision in general practice.


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Presentation transcript:

1 3Cs & HIV Programme Chlamydia, Contraception, Condoms & HIV A programme to support basic sexual health provision in general practice

3Cs & HIV programme Supporting sexual health provision in general practice The 3Cs & HIV programme is designed to support general practices deliver: –A basic sexual health offer during any routine consultation with young adults (15 – 24 year olds): A chlamydia screen Signposting or provision of contraception advice Free condoms –HIV testing in adults (≥ 16 years) in line with current clinical guidelines: Awareness of indicator conditions where HIV testing should be considered In high prevalence areas, routine offer of HIV test to all new practice registrants The 3Cs & HIV programme is specifically designed meet the needs of, and to fit alongside work already being undertaken by, GP teams.

3Cs & HIV programme Outline of delivery The 3Cs & HIV programme is designed to fit into current general practice activity, and support them engage young adults in an evidence-based sexual health intervention The NCSP will offer 1,500 surgeries across England the opportunity to participate in 2013/14: Local areas sign up to participate and identify a local 3Cs & HIV trainer NCSP ‘train the trainers’ and provide all 3Cs & HIV programme materials 3Cs & HIV trainers engage local practices in participating Local 3Cs & HIV practices deliver offer to young adults on ongoing basis 3Cs & HIV practice data collected and evaluated across 2013/14

3Cs &HIV programme Anticipated results The 3Cs & HIV programme adapts an intervention trialled by the HPA to support general practices increase chlamydia testing In this randomised controlled trial, surgeries that fully engaged with the intervention significantly improved screening rates and chlamydia detection 1 These results provide a realistic measure of the take up and efficacy of the 3Cs & HIV intervention if commissioned in General Practice The 3Cs & HIV programme designed to strengthen sexual health work already funded and underway in your area, and support delivery of Public Health Outcomes Framework indicators 1.McNulty C. In press

South West of England Trial Results 1 Start of intervention Intervention period Support ends Increase in screening is sustained nine months after support ended in intervention practices Once trained, 3Cs & HIV surgeries can use programme to strengthen their sexual health offer on long-term basis Chlamydia screening rate per year olds in study surgeries January 2009 to January 2012, by month Impact sustained 1.McNulty C. In press

3Cs (&HIV) programme: Local area participation NCSP currently inviting expressions of interest from areas To participate, areas must identify someone currently working in sexual health to become their 3Cs & HIV trainer The 3Cs & HIV trainer will deliver the programme locally: engaging local practices, providing ongoing support and evaluating achievements The time required by 3Cs & HIV trainers will vary per area, depending on the number of practices engaged, but estimated at 0.5 WTE if 30 practices

3Cs (&HIV) programme: NCSP role ‘Train the 3Cs & HIV trainer’ course Two follow up contacts with each 3Cs & HIV trainer 3Cs & HIV resource pack for practices Free Condoms Performance data, per practice Project coordination and monitoring The NCSP will provide the following to support local delivery of the 3Cs & HIV programme:

3Cs & HIV programme: Support and resources for practices The programme is designed by GPs to fit general practice – and can be tailored to each practice, building on their current skills and services. Each practice receives: An interactive training session Ongoing supportive follow up from their area trainer 3Cs & HIV practice resources to promote the programme 3Cs & HIV website – further information and resources

3Cs & HIV data collection The NCSP will evaluate the impact of the 3Cs & HIV programme Using local systems to collect data by practice on: –Chlamydia testing and diagnoses –Contraceptive prescribing data for year olds –HIV testing –Registration / use of C-card and local condom programmes Aim: data available ~6 months after the end of each quarter

What next? If you are interested in participating, please discuss with your NCSP sexual health facilitator: –London –South East & Central –East of England –West Midlands –North West –Yorkshire, Humber & North East –East Midlands –South We look forward to working with you.