Lecture 1 NERVOUS SYSTEM Dr. Thana Al-Khishali
NERVOUS SYSTEM Anatomy Physiology Histology Neurons Glial cells Central Nervous System CSF, BBB, Meninges Peripheral Nervous System NF, Ganglia Neural Plasticity and Regeneration
NERVOUS SYSTEM Divided Anatomically into Central Peripheral CNS PNS Brain and Spinal Cord Nerves (motor and sensory) Ganglia Nerve Endings Both CNS and PNS consist of : Nerve cells (Neuron) and Glial cells
Components of the Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System The Nervous System
Organization of the Nervous System Central nervous system Brain & spinal cord. Integrative & control centers. Peripheral nervous system Cranial & spinal nerves. Communicates between CNS and rest of body. Sensory (afferent division) Impulse from receptor to CNS. Motor (efferent) division Impulse from CNS to effector. Autonomic nervous System -to visceral organs. Somatic nervous System -to muscles Sympathetic Division “Excites” Parasympathetic Division “Retards”
THE NEURON Multipolar, Bipolar, and Unipolar (pseudounipolar)
THE NEURON Motor Sensory Internuncial
Classification of Neurons based on direction of impulse Afferent (sensory) neurons – conduct impulses towards the CNS Efferent (motor) neurons – conduct impulses away from the CNS Internuncial (association) Neurons –carry impulses between neurons within the CNS (may be either sensory or motor)
Structural Classification of Neurons
Unipolar Neuron
Bipolar Neuron
Multipolar Neuron
Pyramidal Cells (slide #29)
Neuron Structure – Cell Body (= Soma)
contains the usual cellular organelles synthesis & metabolism occurs primarily in the soma the outer cell membrane contains the receptors for incoming information (stimuli) most cell bodies are located within the CNS nuclei clusters of neuron cell bodies in the CNS are called nuclei ganglia clusters of neuron cell bodies in the PNS are called ganglia
Histology of Nervous Tissue Parts of a Neuron
Schematic diagram of a neuron
TEM of Nerve Cell Body and Axon Nu = nucleus Ax = Axon Fi = neurofilaments; Re = RER; Go = golgi; Mi = Mitochondria
Nerve Cell Body with dark staining Nissl
Mitochondria M Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum rER Nucleus N Golgi Apparatus G Microtubules T Synapse Terminal bouton TB Ultrastructure of The Neuron (Electron Microscope) EM Lysosome L
A Review of the Neuron Structure Relationship of the 4 parts of a neuron (dendrites, cell body, axon, and synaptic terminals); - the functional activities of each part - the normal direction of action potential conduction
Pyramidal Cells, 2
Purkinje Cells, 2
Purkinje Cells, 3
Purkinje Cells, 4 cytoskeleton stain
Neurons with different staining methods Axon A Dendrite DNeuron N Terminal bouton B