Joe Kent, Homeless Link Sharon Oakley, Shelter The Regional Homelessness Network
What is HAYH? HAYH is a network of housing and homelessness services operating across Yorkshire & Humberside.
The HAYH Executive Graham Mynott Key House W. Yorks. Niall Holland CHAS Housing Aid W. Yorks. Sarah Clarke Stonham W. Yorks. Jed Din Bradford City Centre Project W. Yorks. Denise Rooney North Yorks. & York HARPN. Yorks Lyndsay Hyde Foundation Housing N. Yorks Ben Keegan Roundabout Ltd S. Yorks. Matthew Newman M25 Housing & Support GroupS. Yorks. David Walker Hull Independent HAC Humber. Paul Cornell Grimsby & Cleethorpes YMCA Humber. Nahida Majid Yorkshire & Humber Faiths Forum Pan-Reg. Sue Trenerry DePaul Nightstop UK Pan-Reg. Joe Kent Homeless LinkPan-Reg. Sharon Oakley ShelterPan-Reg.
HAYH Membership HAYH has over 180 members, representing more than 160 voluntary and community organisations, local authorities and housing associations.
HAYH Achievements HAYH enabled members to widely promote their activities. HAYH assisted regional research on Housing Benefit. HAYH facilitated a regional LAA Seminar that led to similar events in all other regions.
HAYH Research 2008 HAYH member survey on the provision of accommodation-based support services and day centres in the region Aim: To promote homelessness services to commissioners in other key sectors: health, arts, sports, learning & skills and employment
Research Context 33 organisations provided information about 1,500 people (more pending) Report due for publication this summer
Research Headline 1 Problematic use of drugs and alcohol is high, but relatively few projects access structured treatment services Illiteracy and innumeracy is an issue for a substantial minority of service users
Research Headline 2 Sports, cultural and social activities are vitally important, but the majority need more resources to provide access to such activities
Research Headline 3 In 15 projects up to 50% of the service users have not worked for five years In 10 services over 50% of the service users have never worked
The HAYH Year Ahead Use HAYH research to promote sector to key external stakeholders. Develop the website further: for job seekers (e.g. consultants and temps) Supporting People contract adverts, etc service user on-line art / music gallery? HAYH to become a social enterprise?
What can you do? 1. Sign up to HAYH 2. Link to HAYH from your website 3. Post items onto the site 4. Take up offer of free web space 5. Give us your feedback!