We’re the Toros!
Please Welcome Tarwater Elementary’s Famous Drum Club
Another thing Bess LOVES… FASHIO N
Teachers, are you up for a challenge?
Make Something Beautiful! 2 Rolls Of Tape 10 Minutes
Let’s have a READ-A-THON!
Hey Tarwater! Which Grade Will Read the Most?! Will it be Kinder? Or Maybe 1 st ? Perhaps 2 nd ? But maybe it will be 3 rd ! What if it’s 4 th Or instead it is 5 th ! How about 6 th ?
How will reading help my school? Every person who pledges money will help Tarwater buy laptops to fill our COWS* No! Not you! Our COWS are Computers on Wheels! So what do we mean by “Fill our COWS?”
Our school must buy 30 computers to fill this COW These computers are used by all of us to: Take Tests Research Learn Computer Skills Create
30 Laptops Cost A Lot of Money! 30/grade level X $500 =$15,000.00
Set a reading goal! Ask family and friends to pledge if you meet your goal! Money you raise will help our school!
Bullseye– what’s your goal? Fill out your Pledge Form and call all the UDDER people you know! Only ask people you know! NO door-to-door or barn-to- barn requests and NO asking strangers! Turn in your coupon each day! Make sure they are signed by an adult! Be entered to win a raffle prize every time you turn in a coupon!
Each grade will have their own color paper chain. Watch the chains get longer and longer each day!
Daily Raffle Prizes Extra Large Candy Adorable Stuffed Animals Gift Cards *At least two winners per day!
Grade Level Prizes Working together as a grade to earn money for your technology next year. Check your Packet for grade level information! Each grade will earn different events to celebrate meeting their goal!
You can earn up to two strips of duct tape by meeting your reading goal! Why Would ANYONE Want DUCT TAPE? But Wait! That’s Not All!
Bullseye has an idea! Let’s DUCT TAPE Mr. Hensley and Mrs. Traficano ! But Wait! That’s Not All! NEVER try this at home!
Earn MORE duct tape by raising money for Tarwater! Every $25 in pledges will earn an EXTRA strip of tape! Earn at least $100 in pledges and participate in the Duct Tape Obstacle Course But Wait! That’s Not All!
TOP READING Grade Level Will get to read a great book with Mr. Hensley! TOP EARNING Grade Level Will have lunch With Mr. Hensley wherever you choose!
But I’m In 6 th Grade… I’m MOOVIN’ ON! Help us buy a COW for the incoming Kindergarten class. We will put a De-COW on it letting everyone know that the 6 th Grade Class of 2016 left a legacy and gave Kinders a gift that they will use all year long!
It’s up to you! Get Reading! Fill out your pledge sheet with your goal. Start reading! Talk to friends and family and ask them to pledge! Make sure they know how this will help Tarwater. Fill out your daily coupons and bring them in each day!
Let’s welcome back the fashionista role model of dairy cows everywhere… Bess !
Let’s Put Our Hooves Together For Our Teachers!