2 nd Division ManCOM MEETING 2015 May 21, 2015 IGB Training Center
To do List: Preliminaries ManCom Proper - Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes - Suspension of House Rules for a) Accomplishment Reports and Updates b) DepED Order No. 8, s c) Paalam-Salamat - IPC of SHs and Teachers - Other matters Closure
IPC for School Heads
IPC of Teachers
What will SHs do with the IPC? 1.Discuss with adopters and among peers in the cluster 2.Translate Performance Indicators into specific activities, tasks, or outputs relevant to the AIP/SIP of the school 3.Use prescribed template 4. Submit output to the division office for SDS Approval
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame Instructional Leadership (20%) 100% of required number of lesson plans/DLL’s of each teacher inspected and evaluated (weekly) with two lapses within the semester 1. Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C - 75 June – October % of the regular meetings conducted within the semester with two lapses June - 2 July - 1 August - 2 September - 2 October - 2 (refer to your AIP) 100% of the needs based clinical supervision conducted/provided within the semester with two lapses Number of Teachers Needing Clinical Supervision = Specify time Frames here based on ISP or AIP 2% increase in NAT results attained NATs ( ) = Target = Refer to program targets in SIP Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (School Heads) Period Covered: _____________________
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame Instructional Leadership (20%) 100% of the implementation of IM’s monitored within the semester with two lapses. Teacher A = (number of IMs) Teacher B = Teacher C = Refer to LPs LGs, etc 100% of the implementation of teaching strategies monitored within the semester with two lapses. Teacher A= Teacher B = Teacher C = Refer to LPs, LGs, etc 1 intervention program / innovation per learning area across grade levels developed and implemented within the semester with two lapses English = (name or title of intervention) Science = Filipino = HEKASI = Mathematics = EPP = ESP = Refer to Students’ intervention needs Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (School Heads) Period Covered: _____________________
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame HR Management and Development (15%) 100% of needs-based INSET’s conducted within the rating period without lapses INSET needs: Filipino = (number of trainings needed) English = Mathematics = (Copy of TNA results) Based on TNA 100% of teachers’ loads and assignments matched with expertise and students’ needs in the last week of May 2015 without lapses Form 29, 30, 31 (A and B)Adhere to timelines 100% of teachers / staff performance appraised and submitted within the rating period without error Teachers’ IPCs Teachers” IPCRs Proof s of Accomplishment Follow Appraisal time lines 1 school succession program prepared within the semester without error Copy of the School Succession Programs (both retirement and promotion) Based on Staff Profile / Inventory Timelines Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs(School Heads) Period Covered: _____________________
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame HR Management and Development (15%) 100% of needs-based INSET’s conducted within the rating period without lapses INSET needs: Filipino = (number of trainings needed) English = Mathematics = (Copy of TNA results) Based on TNA 100% of teachers’ loads and assignments matched with expertise and students’ needs in the last week of May 2015 without lapses Form 29, 30, 31 (A and B)Adhere to timelines 100% of teachers / staff performance appraised and submitted within the rating period without error Teachers’ IPCs Teachers” IPCRs Proof s of Accomplishment Follow Appraisal time lines 1 school succession program prepared within the semester without error Copy of the School Succession Programs (both retirement and promotion) Based on Staff Profile / Inventory Timelines Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (School Heads) Period Covered: _____________________
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame Parents’ Involvement and Community (10 %) 100% of resource generation within the rating period is supported by stakeholders without shortfall / deficiency (List resources to be generated and the stakeholders engaged/involved) Refer to AIP 100% of the scheduled regular meetings with parents within the rating period conducted without lapses. (List down planned meetings with parents per teacher involvedAdhere to timelines in the AIP 100% of the Alumni planned activities implemented within the rating period without lapses/deficiencies List of alumni -planned activities Follow time lines in the AIP 75% of stakeholders M & E engagement/involvement in monitoring of programs implementation within the rating period facilitated without lapses List of stakeholders involved in M and E and schedules of M and E activities Adhere to AIP Timelines Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (School Heads) Period Covered: _____________________
KRAsPerformance IndicatorsMajor Immediate OutputsTime Frame Teaching Learning Process (30 %) 100% of the required number of daily lesson plans/lesson logs submitted on prescribed dates without lapses. List of Lessons / Lesson Logs per teacher (school may device a tracking form or checklist) Based on Lesson Scope and Sequence Plan 100% of the total number of learners achieved 75% mastery level in all learning areas within the rating period with at most 2 lapses. List of learners per class per learning area CPL per class period/ competency taught Raw Test/assessment results Adhere to CO / SDO timelines 100% of the characteristics of positive, productive and safe learning environment complied with within the rating period without lapses. Use the CFSS indicators Follow time lines in the AIP Pupils’ Outcome (30) 100% of subjects/learning areas taught have complete and accurate class record/s within the rating period without lapses. Class Records with raw data Adhere to AIP Timelines Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (Teachers) Period Covered: _____________________
Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (Teachers) Period Covered: _____________________ prepared at the beginning of the Rating Period / during the preparation of the IPC helps both the rater and the ratee determine how PIs can be complied with and how to generate/produce desired outputs
Individual Performance Commitment Inventory of Major Immediate Outputs (Teachers) Period Covered: _____________________ attached to IPC when submitting to approving authority for approval
Due dates: IPC with attachments June 15, 2015 Scope: Teachers - June 2015 – March 2016 SHs - January – June July – December 2015
Appraisal for January – June 2015: What to submit: 1. IPCR (Jan- June) (using IPC for Jan – June approved or not) -with corresponding MOVs 2. Part II 3. Part III 4. Part IV Due Date: July 15, 2015 To whom: Rater