Science Clubs
Why do you want to run a club? First determine your purpose, is the club aimed for SATS revision, do you want to stretch gifted and talented pupil, is it just for fun?
Science Clubs Who is it going to be for? Are you aiming at a specific year group or key stage? Or do you specifically want to focus on a group, like gifted and talented. Or is it going to be open to anyone.
Science Clubs What will you call it? –Science Club –Young investigators –Dr Frankenstein's Laboratory
Science Clubs When and how often will it run? What is practical for you and your children? Some clubs run weekly others monthly or fortnightly. Some run all year round, others just run for one term every year. Should your club run after-school or in a lunch-time? What is practical for your children?
Science Clubs Who is going to staff it? Think safety. Two people better than one Register First aid
Science Clubs Who is going to staff it? Teachers, LSAs, school governors and parents have all been involved in running different clubs. It’s much easier with at least 2 helpers, so find some willing volunteers. If you are using parents or governors get them CRB checked.
Science Clubs How many children? Simple answer, however many you think you can cope with! Most clubs start with around 10 members. Remember it’s much easier to start small and grow! If you find you have overwhelming interest try running with one group of children one week, then repeat the same activities with a different group the next week and run a rolling fortnightly programme.
Science Clubs Who is going to cover the cost? Free? Subs? Refreshments?
Science Clubs What are we going to do? First you need to decide if you are running a general science club or are you going to focus on a topic such as space/astronomy, the environment, robots or computing. There are many different things you can do in a club:
Science Clubs Start a Science Club Library
Books that challenge ………..
Science Clubs Give out a science magazine
Science Clubs Start a DVD library –David Attenborough –Adam Hart Davis –Brainiac
Science Clubs Web site of the week
Science Clubs Podcasts
Science Clubs Awards The BA – the British Association for the Advancement of Science Young Investigators – you receive awards for investigative work, bronze, silver, gold Science Communicators, aimed for 11+ looks at ways to communicate scientific ideas CREST awards – CREativity in Science and Technology, awards for project work Science Discovery Days run regionally. RSPB Environment based clubs which have school membership Also have award schemes Young Engineers Free to join Project based competitions with Regional finals
Science Clubs Awards sciZmic The Science Discovery Clubs Network Links science clubs to Science Centres and partner organisations Website contains ideas and information for clubs Salters Chemistry Clubs Chemistry based club for 11 –14 year olds Hold challenge days and residential activities
Science Clubs deas_and_Guides/ - huge directory of Science Fair deas_and_Guides/ - experiments with - making hot air - making hot and cold - lots of ideas for science - simple ideas, brilliant for Year 7/ - ideas for – the Salter’s Chemistry Club
Science Clubs
Projects over time –Investigations –Tasksthat last more than a week
Science Clubs Methods of recording –Digital capture –Research reports
Recording: Photo Story 3
Video capture Digital blue Mini recorders Home digital cameras Camera phones Issues –Data transfer –Software
Take a look at the road sign. Notice anything?
What you think has made the mess on the sign?
Is there a pattern to where the marks are?
Can you design an investigation to find out where the lichen will grow on a sign?
Is there any other information you need? What are you going to change? What are you going to keep the same?
Using the microscope to make art and science links Using observations to draw repeating patterns for fabrics