WELCOME TO Social Studies!!!! Mr. Mueller Room 310 Find a seat
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO LEARN? History of North Carolina
Daily Schedule Early is on time and on time is late. 1 st Period 7:15-8:17 2 nd Period 8:20-9:22 3 rd Period 9:25-10:22 4 th Period10:25-11:32 Enrichment11:35-12:05 Lunch12:08-12:35 5 th Period (Encore)12:40-2:05 BELL SCHEDULE
Why do we have procedures? Without procedures there is no structure! Without structure there is no discipline! Without discipline there is no learning!
Class Expectations I expect every student to have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. I expect every student to show respect to myself and to others in the classroom. I expect every student to “TRY”!!!!!! I expect every student to work in my class, you are not here just to waste time.
DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with your full attention. Voice levels are at level 0. You are not to leave your seat for any reason without permission from me. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. After instruction make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you do not understand.
BATHROOM BREAKS Bathroom and water breaks are at the end of first period and before lunch Emergency! You must use restroom pass and pay one eagle talon.
CLASSROOM RULES Respect yourself and others. Listen attentively when the teacher and others are speaking. Practice self-discipline. Participate in activities and discussions. Bookbags are to be kept in lockers at all times!
Three Strikes and You’re ASD 1.Strikes are determined by the teacher and the teacher only! 2.Consequences are to be determined by the teacher and type of offense 3.Strikes will be counted on the back board 4.Class procedures which are violated are strikes and the teacher as final discretion
CONSEQUENCES Verbal Warning or STRIKE Bounce/ASD Parent Contact Office Referral