Law & Public Safety Frank J. Paprota Jr. WELCOME
Frank J. Paprota Jr. Cell: (732) Home: (609)
Online Textbook You will be given detailed information regarding use of the online Textbook and related materials
GRADING There will be four marking periods and one final examination. Each will count as 20% of the final grade. 1 st Marking Period FinalExam 2nd Marking Period 3rd Marking Period 4th Marking Period 20%20%20%20%20%
GRADING Each marking period, students will be graded as follows: Written Assignments, including term papers, homework, projects, presentations, and other written work & CLASS PARTICIPATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 %
GRADING Tests 30 %
GRADING Quizzes 20 %
Academic Requirements Web Site Assignments, Homework, PowerPoint Lessons and other important information are contained on my Web Page at the School’s Web Site If you are absent, you may check my Web page for the current assignment. All assignments given while you are absent are due on the day you return to school.
Academic Requirements How to get to my web site Go to the school web site: Under the “Schools” tab, choose “Perth Amboy campus” Under the “Teachers Pages” tab, choose “Paprota, Frank”
Academic Requirements Notebooks All students will maintain a Notebook which shall include vocabulary words and definitions, notes and other in-class assignments. Notebooks will be checked and graded on a periodic basis.
Academic Requirements In Class Assignments Given on a daily basis. Must be completed during the class time given unless otherwise specified and/or special permission is given. Class time should be adequate Class time should be adequate.
Academic Requirements Class Participation All students will participate in class, including but not limited to reading, asking questions, discussion, class work, assignments, projects, etc. You will receive a class participation grade almost every day. REMEMBER, WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS & CLASS PARTICIPATION ARE 50% OF YOUR GRADE.
Academic Requirements Class Participation Every student is required to participate in class discussions. Your opinion is valuable! There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ opinions. Everyone receives credit for participating, whether or not your answer is factually correct or not!!!
Academic Requirements HOMEWORK Periodic Homework will be given. Homework will always be graded. IMPORTANT: The biggest reason for low or failing grades is late or incomplete homework grades
Academic Requirements QUIZZES Can be either announced or surprise/pop quizzes May be open or closed book. Notebook checks, Writing & Note Taking assignments & other assignments may count as quizzes
Academic Requirements TESTS Tests will be given periodically with notice There will usually be review in class the day prior to the examination. Projects, Written Assignments & other assignments may count as test grades
Academic Requirements PROJECTS Projects shall be given throughout the school year. Projects may either be individual or group. Usually all members of a group will receive the same grade, so no slackers!!! Projects are an excellent opportunity to bring up your grades !!!!!
Rules & Expectations CLASS BEHAVIOR Misbehavior of any kind shall not be tolerated. This will be considered a distraction from the class and will count against your participation grade. If you are disruptive then you cannot be working and therefore will be graded accordingly. Poor class participation grades due to misbehavior are the PRIMARY reason for low or failing grades.
Rules & Expectations CUTS Students who cut shall receive a zero for the day for class participation and for assignments due. No makeup work shall be given for a cut. If a quiz or a test is given on a day when a student cuts then a zero will be given for that quiz or test.
Rules & Expectations LATES Students should be seated at their desk at or before the late bell. if you are late to class then you will not be given full credit for class participation REMEMBER: Lateness & misbehavior in class can and will result in a low or failing grade for the marking period and the year.
Rules & Expectations You must come prepared to class each day. You will be expected to have your own writing instrument, your notebook and any other required books and supplies every day. If you come to class unprepared you will lose credit!!! On test days, you must bring a No. 2 pencil !!!! The teacher may not have pens, pencils or notebooks available for your use should you forget to bring your own.
Rules & Expectations Upon taking their seats, students will check the board and/or monitor for the day’s assignment, if any, and begin the assignment. Before leaving class at the end of the period make sure your desk is in its proper place and that your area is clean. If you are using a classroom book or other materials, make sure it is properly put away when you leave.
Rules & Expectations Follow instructions the first time they are given. No talking during class without permission. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Be respectful and pay attention to anyone who is speaking to the class – especially your fellow students
Rules & Expectations No one is permitted out of their seat unless they have permission. Students may not adjust the windows, blinds, air conditioner, or lights without permission. You may not leave the classroom without a written pass. At the end of class students should remain in their seats until they are dismissed by the teacher.
Rules & Expectations Do not touch anyone else, or their belongings, with your hands, your feet, or any object. No cursing, profanity or objectionable language. No disruptive behavior, horseplay, running or throwing of any objects. No eating or drinking in the classroom unless you have the teacher’s permission.
Rules & Expectations II t is school policy that there are no cell phones, radios, ipods, mp3 players or other electronic devices in use or in sight in the classroom. II f you have to make or receive an important call, ask permission first!!!!! AA t times you will be given permission to use electronic devises while you work. II f you have permission to use your electronic devise you must use headphones and keep the volume low.
Students will treat each and every other student, and the teacher or substitute, with the same respect they wish to be treated with themselves. I will treat each of you with the same respect I wish to be treated with myself – if I don’t you may call me on it!!!!!!
ADDITIONS & MODIFICATIONS This course syllabus, including grading, academic requirements, and classroom rules and procedures, will be posted on the school web site. It is subject to change at the discretion of the Teacher. Students will be notified of any changes.