A Focus on the Elements Abstract “Macro” Photography
What do you see?
Assignment Compose and photograph at least 10 different objects that all feature one chosen Element of Art : Line, Shape, Space, Value, Texture and Color. Each photograph should also focus on a principle of design but these can be different for each photograph. ◦ Using the techniques of macro photography each photograph should not focus on the object so much as how the element of art is highlighted. ◦ Students may use a theme to unify their images : play, nature, art, machinery, toys ( this is not required ) ◦ At the completion of the project the student will create a poster that features there best 5 photographs and their chosen element in a creative design.
The Elements of Art These are the building blocks that make up any photograph or artwork. Texture Line Color Shape Tone / Value Space / Depth
Texture The feel of an object. Highlighting different textures in your photo will add interest and catch a viewers eye.
Line The simplest of all the elements it adds movement by leading your eye around the composition. Leading lines can move your viewer’s eyes throughout a photograph – diagonals add a dynamic element to any composition.
Color Color can either add harmony to a composition or add contrast. Being selective and knowing the color wheel can add so much interest to a photo. Color can also affect the mood of a photograph making it very somber or very light and cheery.
Shape Repeating shapes tend to add harmony and rhythm to a photo, while different shapes can create tension and contrast.
Tone/Value Tone / Value is using varying degrees of light and dark to add contrast and give liveliness to an image. Tone in photography is all about focusing on the light and how light plays on the objects Black and white photography is best at highlighting tone / value.
Space/Depth Space can either refer to depth in your photos : foreground. middle ground, background and how your eye is lead from one to another Or it can focus on the positive and negative space of a composition. What is there, the focal point, and what is not.
Principles of Design These are the tools needed to create interesting and unique composition with the elements. Balance Harmony Contrast Movement Rhythm / Repetition Variety Proportion / Dominance Emphasis
Macro Photography is extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size Traditional macro photography usually requires a zoom lens to magnify very small objects We will focus on getting as close as we can and concentrating on the form of the subject instead of what it is
Abstracting objects The goal of these photos is a good composition focusing on an element and the principles of design This photography is not about the actual object Zooming in or cutting parts off of the object will help to focus the photo on the element you chose rather than what it is Light is very important with these photos so always use a flash light or flash light app or a natural strong light source
Project Completion You will create a poster in Photoshop that highlights your element using at least 5 of your photos Your poster must include the name of the element and some information about how it is used in photography