The Nervous System (Peripheral Nervous System)
Peripheral nervous System (PNS): all the parts of the nervous system except for the brain & spinal cord Peripheral Nervous system
Peripheral nervous System (PNS): all the parts of the nervous system except for the brain & spinal cord Connects all parts of the body to the brain & spinal cord Peripheral Nervous system
Peripheral nervous System (PNS): all the parts of the nervous system except for the brain & spinal cord Connects all parts of the body to the brain & spinal cord Nerves: carry information Peripheral Nervous system
Neuron: nerve cell that transfers electrical messages called impulses Peripheral Nervous system
Neuron Structure- Cell body (nucleus & organelles) Peripheral Nervous system
Neuron Structure- Cell body (nucleus & organelles) Dendrites: short branches that receive messages Peripheral Nervous system
Neuron Structure- Cell body (nucleus & organelles) Dendrites: short branches that receive messages Axons: elongated extensions that carry the message away Peripheral Nervous system
Neuron Structure- Cell body (nucleus & organelles) Dendrites: short branches that receive messages Axons: elongated extensions that carry the message away Axon Terminal: tip of the axon Peripheral Nervous system
2 types of neurons: sensory: Gather information Receptors detect changes in/out body heat receptors; light receptors Peripheral Nervous system
2 types of neurons: motor: Send impulses from brain/ spinal cord to body Respond to impulses sent by sensory neurons Peripheral Nervous system
2 types of neurons: example: Heat receptors in hand feel the hot stove & send impulses to brain (sensory) Motor neurons respond by sending impulses to arm muscles to remove hand from stove Peripheral Nervous system
Nerve: a collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels & connective tissue Peripheral Nervous system
Nerve: a collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels & connective tissue - connects the body to the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous system
Nerve: a collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels & connective tissue - connects the body to the brain and spinal cord - contains both motor and sensory axons Peripheral Nervous system
Motor part of the PNS has two parts: Somatic- under your control; voluntary; skeletal muscles Peripheral Nervous system
Motor part of the PNS has two parts: Somatic- under your control; voluntary; skeletal muscles Autonomic- controls functions that you do not think about; digestion Peripheral Nervous system