doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG-VLC Closing Report for Beijing May 2010 Date Submitted: 20 May 2010 Source: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Contact: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Voice: Re: Abstract: Closing report for the TG-VLC Session in Beijing Purpose: Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won TG-VLC 9 th Meeting, May Closing Report 20 May, 2010
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won Hearing presentation based on LB comment Discuss some comments about LB comment Resolve comments about LB comment Slide 3 Objectives of Meeting
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won 1.Twelve 2-hour time slots was held in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. - Monday PM1, PM2 - Tuesday PM1, PM2, 2 ad-hoc slot - Wednesday PM2, 2 ad-hoc slot - Thursday PM1, PM2, 2 ad-hoc slot 2. Comment resolution (Total 1,403 comments) lb50-sorted-combined-comments - Editorial comments: 487 comments - Technical comments: 916 comments - Editorial comments: 293(60%) comments are resolved - Technical comments: 347(38%)comments are resolved 3. Contribution csk-operating-procedure-for-co-existence samsung-vlc-phy-proposal response-about-cid samsung-response-about-csk-comments response-about-cid-1141 Meeting Achievements
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won 3. Contribution amplitude-modulated-vlc-dimming-challenges terminology-usage-for-link-establishment-in-d color-stabilization-for-csk-by-use-of-visibility-frames colour-stabilization-of-csk-links-by-use-of-visibility-frames-motivation- and-outline revised-text-for-clause lb50-comment-resolution-related-vlc-lan-naming-comments lb-comment-resolution-related-to-4b6b-and-dimming lb50-comment-resolution-related-to-color-frame lb-comment-resolution-by-the-reorganization-of and in-d1-draft-of-tg contribution-for-csk-related-comments a-new-band-plan-for revised-text-for-clause output-signal-specification Meeting Achievements
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won The task group7 approve the comment resolutions in the rows in document 10/0239r14 (doc number: lb50- sorted-combined-comments.xls) that are colored yellow as the resolution for these comments. Moved: Sridhar Rajagopal Second: Joachim Walewski Motion Passes: Unanimous Consent Motion
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae WonSlide 7 Adhoc meeting announcement IEEE TG7 will have a adhoc meeting in July(07 th ~09 th ) and August(02 nd ~06 th ). Detail information will be announced through the IEEE reflector.
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae WonSlide 8 Plans for adhoc and July Meeting Hearing presentation based on LB comments Resolve comments about LB comments
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae WonSlide 9 Conference call
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae Won Thank you ! Any questions? Slide 10
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae WonSlide 11 Purpose of Proposed Standard (PAR ) The purpose of this standard is to provide a global standard for short-range optical wireless communication using visible light. The standard will provide (i) access to several hundred THz of unlicensed spectrum; (ii) immunity to electromagnetic interference and noninterference with Radio Frequency (RF) systems; (iii) additional security by allowing the user to see the communication channel; and (iv) communication augmenting and complementing existing services (such as illumination, display, indication, decoration, etc.) from visible-light infrastructures
doc.: IEEE Submission May 2010 Euntae WonSlide 12 Need for the Project (PAR ) Visible light is drawing great interest as a new communication medium due to the following recent developments. Firstly, solid-state light sources are rapidly replacing conventional ones in signaling, illumination and display infrastructures. It thus becomes possible to carry communication data on such light sources. Secondly, the visible band is free from frequency regulation and Radio Frequency (RF) interference so that it is well suited to RF crowded or RF restricted environments. Thirdly, the unique feature of visibility can enhance the physical-layer security and offer intuitive usage. Given the growing expectation of ubiquitous connectivity in all settings and environments, the need for unlicensed, high bandwidth, easy to use wireless communications technology has never been greater. Potential applications include secure point-to-point communication, indoor Location Based Service (LBS), secure point-to-Multipoint communication (office, hospital, airplane), Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), information broadcast, and etc. A visible light communication standard will provide economic opportunities to equipment manufacturers, component suppliers, service providers, and infrastructure operators.