Uncovering the Past-Can You Dig It?
Archeology is the study of people and things from the past.
Piecing together the past…
Written Sources Books, letters, diaries, speeches and songs Tomb markings, calendars and maps. Writing developed about 5,000 years ago The period of history before writing is known as prehistory
Non Written Sources Oral traditions and legends Fossils Artifacts-man made objects from long ago
Trash or Treasure? Kitchen midden-ancient trash?
Emperor Qin’s Tomb
King Tut Jjb94G5lshttp:// Jjb94G5ls
Check out this site! Excavating-digging up Stratigraphy-the study of remains found at the different layers of earth
Dendrochronology Oldest form of scientific dating Counting the rings on trees.
Radioactive Carbon 14 dating Analyzing the amount of carbon left in a dead objects helps to date the item
Primary Sources First hand knowledge Recorded at the time of the event or of the people. Speeches, diaries, letters, photographs
Secondary Sources Created by people who studied the original sources Books, articles, ect.
Cultural Diffusion When different cultures come in contact, they exchange goods and ideas. Trade, migration or war
Piecing together the Past Culture, community, communication, religion and traditions
The Iceman Cometh!