Tips for a positive interviewing experience!
5. Preparing for the interview
Read the ______, ______, and _______ required for the job. Assess what you have to offer the __________. Become familiar with the __________. Why? So you can demonstrate how you will be an effective employee. Be _________! Know your qualifications and limitations. Wanting a job does not necessarily mean you’re qualified for it.
Meet the ________ See the _________ _______yourself Learn about _______
Enter the room _______ hands Don’t sit until told to do so Give copies of your resume General opening question: Tell me a little about yourself
Dress __________ for the industry. When in doubt – ASK Personal grooming and cleanliness should be _________. Keep cologne or perfume to a minimum. Arrive ______ minutes early. Know the exact time and location of your interview. Know how long it takes to get there.
Treat other people you encounter with courtesy and respect. ___________ are VERY important. Offer a ________ handshake. Make _______ ________. Have a friendly ______ when you are greeted by the interviewer. Listen to be sure you understand your interviewer’s name and the correct pronunciation. Address your interviewer by ____ or ____ and the last name.
Sit ________ in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching. Respond to questions with specific _______ whenever possible. Use good grammar and good diction. Say “yes”, not “yeah.” Don’t fill pauses with “um,” uh” or “ah.” Don’t punctuate sentences with “you know”, “like”, “see” or “okay.”
__________step above what you would be required to wear to work. Women Suit (skirt or pants) – dark colors ______makeup Minimum _____: nothing too large or noisy Shoes: no _____ or sandals Men Suit (jacket, tie, slacks) - dark colors Jewelry: nothing large or noisy Shoes: dress
Don’t give the impression you are only interested in ______. Don’t act as though you would take any job or are ________ for employment. Don’t chew ______ or smell like smoke. Don’t take cell phone calls during an interview. If you carry a cell phone, __________ during the interview.
Things not to do on an interview: Watch the video and come up with a list of things not to do: E E AE0&list=RD02Z2OJX68BuvI
Your points must be _______, ____________, AND ________. The interviewer needs to determine if you do the job, if fit in.
Tell me a little about yourself? (opening) In what way do you believe you can attribute to the organization? How would your teachers describe you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why should I hire you? (ending)
Illegal Interview Questions: What is your race? Are you married? How old are you (underage = exception) What is your religion? Financial questions (other than desired pay) Questions about disability How to answer: “I don’t feel comfortable answering that”
How do you deal with illegal interview questions?
Ask ___________. Courteously thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity. Extend a handshake. Follow up with a thank you note or e- mail of appreciation.