811 Program Rental Assistance Information Session Laurel Hart, Marie Palena, Ronit Hoffer March 15, 2016
Agenda Program Overview The Tenant receiving 811 The Process Rent Payments and Required Systems Support Services Dealing with Problems Additional Training Available
811 Program Rental Assistance Overview Marie Palena March 15, 2016
Integrated Supported Housing Points Section 811 project based rental assistance or other DCA offered rental assistance 2011through 2016 between 5% and 15% of the units committed for Targeting Generally a requirement for 1 bedrooms Update: 50% and 60% units are eligible
811 Program Rental Assistance Implementation Grant for approximately 134 units Grant for approximately 350 units Eligible tenants are at 30% AMI or less Severe and persistent mental illness, or physically impaired (‘Money Follows the Person’) Program referrals come to DCA from case managers statewide Tenancy focused on ‘Family’ developments, with no other units targeting persons with disabilities
811 Program Rental Assistance Tenant Marie Palena March 15, 2016
The Tenant A person with a disability who may have been unjustly segregated from mainstream society by being placed in an institutional setting, or experienced homelessness This person may have been in a nursing home due to a severe physical challenge, have a developmental disability This person has a case manager who has worked with him/her and helps to coach him/her to greater independence
The Tenant Some candidates for residency may require a handicap equipped unit, others may require a ‘reasonable accommodation’ or ‘reasonable modification’ These same requirements protect any person with a disability, not just tenants eligible for 811 HUD Lease allows owners to customize “House Rules” to include other lease provisions not addressed
811 Program Rental Assistance Tenant Referral Process DBHDD and MFP work with clients each day Many are able to live with relative independence but have been homeless &/or inappropriate- ly housed Step 1 DBHDD/MFP screen clients to determine which housing program best meets their needs They assist the client in completing DCA’s 811 referral form Step 2 DCA does a criminal background check and credit check This confirms basic eligibility for federal subsidy, and Helps us to identify any credit or background hurtles Step 3 Eligible clients are added to DCA’s waiting list They are notified of any vacancy in the area in which they are interested Step 4
811 Program Rental Assistance Process Ronit Hoffer March 15, 2016
811 Program Rental Assistance Process 20 yr Rental Assistance Contract (“RAC”) 30 year Use Restriction HUD Lease is a requirement Agreement for Rental Assistance Contract (“ARAC”) gets the property into the system RAC is executed by DCA and owner and filed with HUD
811 Program Rental Assistance Process ARAC and RAC are signed Support Svc teams are working with qualified clients Qualified clients are included on the waitlist Step 1 DCA schedules Navigate and TRACs training to occur within 30 days DCA 811 website will include properties’ Tenant Selection Plans Step 2 Owner s DCA ga.gov at 30 day notice to vacate or 90 days prior to lease up ga.gov RAC is dated, signed off and sent to HUD DCA refers clients to apply at property; if no one on the wait list for area, unit does NOT have to be held. Step 3 Clients apply for residency at property Application disposition is provided to DCA for reporting Step 4
811 Program Rental Assistance Process DCA’s Office of Special Housing Initiatives works with DBHDD & MFP & their local service providers Our goal is to have a relationship form between property staff and support providers Open communication to catch any early signs of behavioral concerns
811 Program Rent Payment and Required Systems Marie Palena, Ronit Hoffer March 15, 2016
811 Rent Payments and Systems When the Rental Assistance Contract (RAC) is finalized, TRACs training will be arranged and provided on site (or webinar) by Navigate Affordable Housing Inc. Upon receipt of Notice to Vacate or prior to lease up, the Property notifies DCA via to
811 Rent Payments and Systems Our waitlist system is automated using a third party system A copy of each property’s Tenant Selection Plan will be available on DCA’s 811 webpage
811 Rent Payments and Systems Allow10 days for prospective clients to apply If more time is needed, we will pay 80% of rent (net of the PHA utility allowance) for up to 60 days to hold the unit If no one on the waiting list for a location, the unit does not have to be held
811 Rent Payments and Systems Day of the MonthActivity 1 to 10Owners enter tenant data into TRACS 10Owners submit “Child” payment requests to Navigate for the upcoming month 1 to 19Navigate works with owners to correct all TRACS and billing issues 20 Navigate combines all “Child” level invoices into one “Parent” Invoice and submits to DCA for review and approval 25DCA submits “Parent” Invoice to HUD via eLOCCS system 29HUD direct deposits “Parent” payment to DCA 30DCA direct deposits “Child” payments to each owner
811 Program Rental Assistance Support Services Marie Palena March 15, 2016
811 Program Rental Assistance Support Services DBHDD & MFP local service providers continue to work with the tenant at the tenant’s option The support provider can be contacted if behavior begins to shift or minor issues are beginning to arise The support provider will attempt to reconnect with the tenant, offering options for support
811 Program Rental Assistance Support Services As tenants receiving 811 begin to occupy units in one of the six regions, monthly meetings between the property management and support providers will begin The purpose of the meetings are to flesh out any issues, or share any ‘best practices’ concerning these tenants
811 Program Rental Assistance Support Services Each quarter, or as requested, a representative from the state committee will attend the meeting This will bring any programmatic issues, or recommendations for improving the process, to the Interagency Partnership level
811 Program Rental Assistance – Dealing with Problems Marie Palena March 15, 2016
811 Program Rental Assistance Dealing with Problems An ideal situation would be for there to be a space or time that the support provider could check in with the property staff This would build rapport, and slight indications of possible concerns with regard to his/her client(s) are more likely to be mentioned
811 Program Rental Assistance Support Services If necessary, a more formal meeting may be scheduled with the tenant and the support provider to specifically discuss required changes in behavior; the property staff person may or may not wish to attend this meeting The Property retains all rights to evict a tenant for cause, and if involving endangerment, may take necessary steps
811 Program Rental Assistance – Additional Training Available Marie Palena, Ronit Hoffer March 15, 2016
811 Program Rental Assistance- Additional Training Available Mental Health 1 st Aid Local Support Providers in connection with the regional committee ograms/section811pra.asp ograms/section811pra.asp
811 Program Rental Assistance Questions?
811 Program Rental Assistance This is a demonstration program All feedback is welcome! (program admin)
Thank You Marie Palena, Ronit Hoffer March 15, 2016