Presentation on Agriculture Development
80% of total population in Afghanistan are involved in agriculture and livestock activities as a mean of income source. As part of developmental activities envisaged in our strategies, the idea to launch LTAD project in different provinces from our understanding of the needs of the local communities to reduce poverty and vulnerability in the target provinces. Agriculture/livestock development projects implemented practically through partner organization in Bamyan, Faryab, Daikundi and Urozgan province so did not focus on theoretical development of agriculture. NCA has 14 implementing partners but CoAR, STARS, ADA, CAWC and NPO implementing livelihoods trade and agriculture development projects so reflected their activities in the presentation.
Achieved result 200 farmers (100 in Tirinkowt and 100 in Dehrawood) districts have received agriculture packages (50 Kg certified wheat seed, 50 Kg DAP and 50 Kg UREA) from 200 farmers have been trained in cultural practices 1800 unskilled man-days worked and cleaned canals 1450 unskilled labors have worked in Takya canal 30 members of agriculture shura have been trained in cross cutting issue. 100 Women from 12 villages of Tirinkowt have been trained in Poultry 8000 different varieties (Apricot and Almond) Fruit saplings have been provided and distributed to farmers. 80 orchard owners have been trained 44 farmers have been trained in nursery establishment 50 Kitchen gardens esatablished. Totally 50 women have been trained in Kitchen garden establishment and management from (16 September – 17 members of cooperatives have been trained in Saving and micro credit.
Achieved result 200 farmers received training in cultural practices. 8 executive cooperative members received training in regards of marketing and management 100 women is received training in regards of hygiene education and Kitchen Gardening 160 farmers received wheat seed and chemical fertilizers 80 Farmers received Improved potato seed 15 new orchards established and 15 farmers received training One irrigation scheme has been constructed in Shahidan valley one potato storage bin has been constructed in Khuja Hassan village 50 animal owners trained on animal husbandry and the number of 208 animal owner received veterinary services The Number of 5572 animals has been treated and the number of 5150 animals were vaccinated
Achieved result 140 farmers received wheat seed and fertilizers 7 MT improved wheat seed along 21 MT fertilizers and cultivated by the farmers 50 farmers received soybean seed. 60 farmers have been trained in 6 established wheat demonstration lots 6 Vegetable demonstration plots established and 60 famers have been trained in this regard. 40 farmers have been trained in and established 8 fruit tress nurseries 210 people trained including 108 female and 102 male 121 farmers received agrochemicals Vegetable seed distributed to 120 families and 30 female who had trained in last year established kitchen gardening in their yards The cooperatives have collected the last micro loan and redistributed to others.
Achieved result in Khwajasabzposh district 135 farmers received Wheat seed with fertilizers 15 farmers have been trained and established 3 Wheat demonstration plot. 100 Female and100 male e have trained. Three Vegetable Demonstration plots established and 15 farmers trained 10 farmers trained andtwo fruit tressa nursery established 2750 fruit tress sapling distributed to the 27 farmers and established 27 Orchards, in each orchard trained three farmers it made 81 farmers trained. 162 farmers trained in fruit drying course 50 Farmers received soybean seed 100 farmers received vegetable seeds. 70 farmers received agrochemicals. 100 Hygine kit distributed to 100 female trainees. An sprayer have been distributed to 100 farmers trained
There is same Achieved result in Qurghan district 17 farmers and 3 female have received each 100 $ as microloan
Achieved result 5 cooperative established. 150 farmers received improved wheat seed, DAP and UREA each farmer 50kg seed, 50kg DAP and 100kg UREA 5 fruit trees nursery established .250 farmers trained within 14 training courses and each was conducted for 5 days.
Achieved result 5 Training centers were established. 5 veterinary clinics are supported and run in respective sites. 100 Contracts are signed. 300 Sheep are purchased. 300 Sheep are distributed for the right holders. 100 Female right holders received training. A view of Vaccination of the animalsAwareness sessions for the animal owners
Continue… NCA monitors the clinicsProvincial manager visits the clinics Sheep DistributionMonitoring the animal husbandry courses Animal ration is distributed for 100 target right holders Animals were safeguarded. 523 Stables were sprayed during this reporting period. 28,191 animals were examined and treated. 40,680 animals were vaccinated against different diseases.
Achieved result different animals were vaccinated against infectious disease in spring & autumn campaign families have benefited from the program. different animals safeguarded and treated against different endo- parasites. 149 families have benefited from the program 87 women and men 80 animal owners have been trained in first aid usage. 1131 rod Ireland chicks were distributed to graduated women trainees. different animals and 128 stable safeguarded against ecto-parasites.285 families have benefited from the program.
different animals were examined and treated.1395 families have benefited from the program 95 women and 205 men animal owners have got awareness regarding different aspects of influenza and H1N1. 456 animal owners have got awareness on different aspects of animal husbandry during vaccination campaign, particularly on sign of heat cycle and proper time of insemination. 105 cows have been inseminated by artificial insemination
Achieved result 103 men and 103 women goat keepers trained on different aspect of sorting, shearing and storage of Cashmere fibers. 66 men and 54 women have been trained in an introductory way in the dairy process. 130 Dairy processing simple kits were distributed to graduated students 186 cashmere combs were awarded to cashmere graduated student.
Achieved result 6500 Fruit trees sapling distributed to 130 farmers 130 Orchard established. 220 farmer trained in orchards establishment 98 Jerib land covered by plantation of saplings and prevent poppy cultivation there for ever 230 felmale trained in fruit drying 12 Dryer are made. 110 farmers received agrochemicals
Achieved result 30 farmers have been organized in Dost Agha agriculture cooperative 20 members of agriculture cooperative have been trained in Planning and record keeping through conducting of Planning and record Keeping workshop held from 50 farmers trained in Apricot drying. 100 farmers have been trained in best agriculture practices, One nursery in one Jerib agriculture land has been established 97 demonstration orchards have been established 147 farmers and gardeners have been trained in Pest and diseases control from. 124 farmers and orchard owners have been trained in horticulture. Marketing seminar conducted and totally 20 farmers 200 farms and fruit growers were provided extension
Achieved result 300 farmers including 60 female received training theoretically 300 Pit have been made 50 jerib land improved soil structure 75 MT compost produced By using 75 Mt compost avid usage of 6 MT fertilizers By using compost the beneficiaries save 4000 Afs by didn’t buy fertilizers
Achieved result 10 training centres established. Achieved trainee’s income from their production. Achieved all of trainees new skill (Beekeeping training ) Achieved revenue112 trainees. Found 112 trainees good market for their production. all of trainees passed beekeeping and marketing workshop. Decreased violence against women in the area.
Trainees found good market for their production
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