Welcome Back! Please sit where you were last time with your name card out and your notebook, ready to begin our lesson!
Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 A Day B Day Bell Work: List three things you will need to have or do to help you stay safe during a science lab. Rain day – flooding, out Friday
Today’s Agenda: Laboratory Safety! What’s wrong with this picture? Main lab safety rules Lab safety contract HW: LAB SAFETY CONTRACT SIGNATURES AND CARTOON CAPERS – due next class!
Lab Safety Practice – “What’s wrong with this picture?” Consider the scenes taken from photographs, cartoons, and drawings with your group.
#1 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#2 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#3 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#4 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#5 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#6 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
#7 - What’s Wrong with This Picture? No Horseplay in Lab!
#8 - What’s Wrong with This Picture?
Lab Safety Video We’ll watch a quick video on laboratory safety from YouTube. See if you can pick out all the things done wrong! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr7roogzM8c
Lab Safety Equipment We have several things in our room to help us stay safe! Let’s point out all of our safety equipment. Then we’ll make sure we have our notes page filled out.
Lab Safety Contract Now we’ll go over the “nitty gritty” of laboratory safety with our county contract. Blue paper with rules – sign and return!
Your Turn! Lab Safety Cartoon Capers Now that we’ve gone through some examples, you’re going to come up with your own! Everyone will have their own paper to work on to create lab safety posters! The best posters will be displayed in the classroom!
Homework Reminder, you have two things for homework: Lab safety contract – sign, return! Lab safety cartoon capers – show off your knowledge of four safety rules!