Welcome to Year 8
Changes to the Curriculum Model Equity and justice Maximising potential/aspirations Flexibility in movement
Groupings English, history, French, Geography, Music, Re (5 groups 2x parallel classes and one supported group) IT, Maths, PE (six groups 3x parallel classes) Art, DT, Science (six 3x parallel classes)
English, History, French, Geography, Music and RE (Cluster One) There are 5 groups in this cluster organised in the following way: GroupOrganisation CHI and RHOEqual Abilities IOTA and SIGMAEqual Abilities TauStand alone group
IT, Maths and PE (Cluster Two) There are now six group in this cluster organised in the following way: GroupOrganisation A1B1Equal Abilities A2B2Equal Abilities A3B3Equal Abilities
Art, DT and Science (Cluster three) There are 6 groups in this cluster organised in the following way: GroupOrganisation A1B1Equal Abilities A2B2Equal Abilities A3B3Equal Abilities
Some points to note: All clusters are organised in three ability bands. (High, medium and lower) In cluster two and three A band is not higher than B band. All of the above needs to be contextualised within the school’s high expectations for all and excellent results for all groups of pupils.
Assessment Relentless focus on progress and improvement Increased the number of assessment cycles to six per year Potential for movement following each cycle Regular progress meetings
Lower School Staff Mrs O’Donovan– Deputy Head Ms Maton– Assistant Head Mr Davies –Director of Learning & Progress for the Lower School Mrs Mantey – Pastoral Support Manager Lower School
Year Eight Tutor Team Ms H Fooks 8H Ms Murphy 8E Dr K Bray 8A Mr P McDonnell 8R Mrs N Williams 8T
Attached Tutors Ms Chloe Savill and Ms Farzana Pevez
Recap on Expectations 96% attendance (minimum) 100% punctuality Correct uniform at all times – this includes hair, make-up, jewellery and skirt length – many of these are now too short Positive attitude to adults and peers Contribution to school life
The School Day Registration / Assembly P P Break P P Lunch P Registration
In PSHE we cover a range of topic including; Hygiene Healthy Eating Citizenship Finance and Budgeting Self esteem British Values Drugs SRE Giving Nations PSHE
Reporting IPM / Reports – IPM 6 Cycles – ~/+/# = progress – Effort 1-4 with 1 being excellent effort Parent Teacher Meetings [12 th May]