Proposal Preparation. Documents for June PAC  Full Proposal  Starting point is LOI + updates in EOI  Project Definition Report  Cost estimate  Excel-based.


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal Preparation

Documents for June PAC  Full Proposal  Starting point is LOI + updates in EOI  Project Definition Report  Cost estimate  Excel-based WBS structure  Utilize  2e and LBNE costing data/models  DUE: MAY 1 (ish) 2 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details I 1. Executive summary 2. Introduction 2.1. Motivation SBL ν interaction physics Acceleratory and detector R&D 2.2. Facility overview 3. Theoretical and Experimental Motivation 3.1. SBL 3.2. interaction physics 3 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details II 4. Facility 4.1. Primary proton beam Extraction line Beam line 4.2. Target Station Target Module Target Horn Pion production Capture section (Quads) Transport Proton absorber Civil Pion production rate summary 4 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details III 4.3. Pion injection 4.4. Decay ring Lattice design Magnets Instrumentation Pion extraction and  degrader 5 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details IV 5. Near detector hall 6. Far detector design 6.1. Overview 6.2. Steel 6.3. Magnetization Field maps SCTL implementation design 6.4. Scintillator and WLS readout 6.5. Electronics 7. Far detector hall 6 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details V 8. Performance 8.1. SBL Event rates Monte Carol and analysis Neutrino event generation and detector simulation Event reconstruction Data Analysis Appearance Disappearance Global fits Sensitivities Appearance channels Disappearance channels 8.2. interaction study Straw-man detector e CCQE analysis 7 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

Details VI 9. Accelerator R&D Opportunities 9.1. Low-energy muon beam 10. Costing 11. Conclusions and outlook A1. FFAG Ring Option A2. Totally active detectors a. Scintillator b. LAr A3. Extension to Long-baseline a. Overview for future program b. Detector parameters c. Performance 8 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

I’m Tired Already!  However, the LOI was already close to the level needed for a Full Proposal  As we have seen over the last 2 days, there has been much progress since last June  Will have  Improved Analysis  Better understanding of the facility performance  A Project Definition Report  Third iteration on costing with much improved estimates in many areas 9 Alan Bross nuSTORM WS - Virginia Tech April 14th, 2013

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