Mouse Model for Gene Regulation Studies
Course Materials Introduction to Gene Regulations Introduction to mouse models Introduction to transgenic techniques Examples: VEGF gene regulation and pathologic development
Transgenic Technology Part 1 : Basis of classic transgenics Part 2 : Gene Targeting Part 3 : Applications
Part 1 Transgenic Technology
What’s transgenic ? Narrow Definition : Artifacial insertion of DNA fragment into genome Broad Definition : Artifacial modification of genome, including insertion, mutation and deletion
Importance of Transgenic Technology Basic Research Gene regulation , promoter function Gene expression tracing ( Knockout , Gene Trap ) Cell tracing , tumor cell labeling Functional study , embryonic, developmental and pathological Commercial Protein product Low cost Disease model Organ donor Strain improvement Gene Therapy
Common Techniques Used for Making Transgenic animals Most Comkon : Pronuclei DNA injection , random insertion , low predictability , variable Sperm associated DNA transduction , low repetibility Transposons, not common Viral infection : High efficiency , less random , limited DNA size , safety consern Embryonic stem cell / Blastocyst microinjection : Gene targeting, only for mice Nuclear transpalntation/animal cloning / only way to generate targeted modification. High cost and low efficiency
真核基因结构与调节 真核基因结构:启动子 (promoter) ,外显子 (exon) ,内 含子 (intron) , polyA 信号, 活化信号( enhancers), 沉 默信号( silencers ),封闭区 (Insulators) 转录因子 (transcription factors) ,活化因子 (activators) , 抑制因子 (inhibitors) 真核 mRNA 结构: Cap , 5’ 非编码区 (5’-UT) , 编码区 (coding region) , 3’ 非编码区 (3’-UT) , polyA 组织专一性调节 (tissue-specific) 发育阶段调节 (developmental) 诱导性调节 (inducible) 转录后调节 : mRNA 剪接和修饰, mRNA 的稳定性, 蛋白质合成效率,蛋白质半衰期
Gene Structure mRNA structure IV 3’-UT AATAAA Exon I GG 5’-UTR AAAAAAAAA 3’-UTR II III IV Intron I Translation Exon II CCAAT boxTATA box Enhancer Transcription Exon I 5’UT …
Transgenic Construct Selection for promoters cDNA Poly A Introns and insulators Construct design
Promoter Tissue-specific :研究基因调节,启动子的功能, 或调节其它基因的表达。如果用于调节其它基 因,一定要查询启动子在转基因动物应用方面 的文献,了解启动子的完整性 High expression :用于高表达某个基因,调节 其它基因,或高表达后蛋白的生产 Universal expression :显示基因细胞标记,基 因调节研究 Inducible :用于基因调节,有毒蛋白表达,致 命基因的可逆调控等 Conbination :可诱导,高表达,组织专一,构 成基因调节系统,用于调节基因或高表达蛋白
Types of cDNAs Reporters: lacZ, GFP , CAT, AP 等 Regulators: Cre, ER-Cre, tTA, PTX 等 Protein function :蛋白突变体的表达 Gene splicing :研究外显子、内含子功能 Commercial gene :药用蛋白,改良基因等 Functional gene: 基因治疗,干细胞移植等 Non-coding :基因治疗,如 siRNA
绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) -活体细胞追踪 半乳糖干酶显示基因 (lacZ) -基因表达组织 定位 LacZ and GFP
Parts of transgenic construct poly A : stable mRNA poly A: SV40 poly A, -Globin poly A First Intron : -Globin Insulator : Chicken beta-globin gene Loxp, FRT, tetO
基因 A 启动子 Typical transgene CCAAT boxTATA box Enhancer 转录起始点 基因 B cDNA 翻译起始点 基因 C polyA 5 ’ -UT3 ’ -UT 拼接区域:
( Founders ) detection Check for insertion : –PCR –Southern Copy : Real time PCR mRNA expression : –RT-PCR –Northern Protein Expression : –Reporter : lacZ , GFP , AP –Functional analysis –Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Mouse Characteristics Great immune system , high efficiency of propagation , small size , the most economic animal model Variety of phenotypes , genome sequenced , classical mammal model Long genetic study history, hundreds of inbred strains Gestation19 - 21days Sex maturity : 4 - 6 week Estrus: as short as 5 days Body weight of adults: 20-50g Pregnancy average 5-6 times Litter size: 6 - 14 pups
Mouse Requirement for Transgenic Production SPF facility , High fat, high protein feed ( breeder chows) Egg donor : 4 - 6week old F1 femals (C57B6xCBA or DBA), each time , ywice a week. Stuck males : month old F1 males (C57B6xCBA or DBA). Recipient : month old (CD1, Kunming) Stuck male : Vecectomysed (C57B6xCBA or DBA) or (CD1)males , 2-18months old
Steps of making Transgenic mice Construct, remove vector Superovulation , set mating , collect E0.5 egg DNA microinjection Overnight culture Embryo transfer Tail and numbering Detection, mating Expression analysis
转基因鼠建立时间表注射出生分窝传代 F1 出生 分窝分析 孕期 转基因鼠鉴定传代鉴定性成熟 孕期 时间(月) 出生率 30 - 50% 转基因比率 15 - 50% 传代效率 ~90% 性成熟
PMSF and HCG superovulationPMSF and HCG superovulation Donor egg , 100 - 200 each timeDonor egg , 100 - 200 each time DNA concentration for injection: 2ng/ulDNA concentration for injection: 2ng/ul Embryo transfer back to recipient: 20-30Embryo transfer back to recipient: PCR or Southern to detect founders, 15-50%, random insertion , copy 1 to over 100PCR or Southern to detect founders, 15-50%, random insertion , copy 1 to over 100 First generation ( F1) 0-100% , some may integrate at 2 cell stage, some may have more than one insertion locusFirst generation ( F1) 0-100% , some may integrate at 2 cell stage, some may have more than one insertion locus Second generation , Mendel inheritance, 50 %Second generation , Mendel inheritance, 50 % Characterization, E10 to 5 monthsCharacterization, E10 to 5 months Related Data
Discussion 有限的启动子信息,不完全的启动子,造成基因不表达或表达于错误的组织 DNA 插入的随机性,多拷贝性,不表达,低表达,鼠系间差异 转基因受插入位点的影响及封闭区 (insulaters) 序列的发现 基因高表达可能造成的毒性,得不到转基因鼠或只有不表达的转基因鼠系 (founders) 第一个内含子的重要性 转基因片段的大小: –2kb 到 mb – 大部分 2-10kb, 容易注射 –P1 质粒 (PAC),70kb 左右,黏度大 – 细菌人工染色体 BAC , 120kb 左右, 黏度更大 – 酵母人工染色体 YAC , 500kb-1mb 大小,非常难 同时注射两个以上的转基因: 效率高,一般插入同一位点 多拷贝插入方式:头尾相接 拷贝数与表达水平之间的关系:表达水平与拷贝数无紧密关联,多数拷贝被甲基化 及有限的转录因子浓度 影响转基因成功与否的其它因素: DNA 的浓度 (2-3ng/ul), 纯度,如嗅化乙锭和 EDTA 含量等 载体 DNA 对转基因表达的影响:不稳定 C57/BL6 纯系转基因鼠受精卵注射
Transgenic Technology Part 1 : Basis of classic transgenics Part 2 : Gene Targeting Part 3 : Applications
Part 2 : Gene Targeting Theory Technique Application
Importance of Gene Targeting Gene function study : Gene knockout is first choice to identify function for genes predicted from whole genome sequencing Gene Regulation : More accurate control, more confirmative results, better disease models Due to the stability and predictability, better for protein production or human gene replacement Major progress in Gene Therapy and Regeneration Medicine
小鼠早期发育示意图 3.5 天
干细胞的特性 Projenitor cells –Can duplicate, few division, uneven division Stem cells – 可以分化成一种或多种组织器官,可以不断增殖的 少数细胞 Embryonic stem cell (ES) Can develop into any tissues, whole body Source of ES cells : Inner cell mass (ICM) Strain : 129SV/jae, fewer from C57/BL6 Coat color : Brown (129), Black (C57/BL6) Sex : Male, more stable
Targeting strategy Vector design Conditional construction Reporter knocking –Tissue-specific for study gene regulation –Universal expression: functional studies
NEO 13 TK X X 1 NEO Wild type alelle Vector After recombination Basic Targeting Vector
NEOTK FRT loxP Wild type Vector Flipase to remove NEO FRT Tissue-specific Cre to inactivate gene loxP FRT Conditional knockout
Steps for targeting ES cell isolation and culture Targeting vector construction ES electroporation and selection for recombination ES cell injection Chimera production and mating Heterologous mice generation Homozygous generation Function analysis
Chimera Mating Chimera ( Founders ) –ES come from 129 strain , brown mice (agouti) –C57 / BL6 blastocyst (black) –ES , coat color can tell how much ES get integrated –40-100% male chimera mate with C57/BL6 female 6 week old chimera male with two C57 / BL6 female, female changed every week. Look for brown mice
Time Table
输卵管移植 子宫移植 代孕鼠 电击筛选 囊胚注射 Comparison of Trangenic and targeting procedures Founder 的产生 传代,分析
Comparison of Trangenic and targeting TransgenicTargeting Genetic property Dominant, Unstable Dominant or recessive , Stable Insertion position Random , uncontrolled Fixed , Controllable Copy number Vary, 1 to >100 Het1, homo 2 Expression Up to construct and insertion site Mimic original gene Time >5 month>9 month Cost >$3000 USD>$10,000USD Influence to nearby gene Likely, unpredictable Usually no predictable
(Gene Trapping) LacZ-Neo (GEO) Gene B-like Expressionpossible No Expression Gene B Gene A Gene C
基因捕捉可以做为基因敲除的替代 电转干细胞,筛选 neo R PGK neo R pA 剪接受体 用 Inverse PCR 、序列分析确认被捕捉基因 被随机捕捉的基因 启动子 外显子 转录产物 从基因捕捉库筛选出基因进行囊胚注射 lacZ pA 基因功能分析
Gene trap transgenic embryos
核移植技术与大动物克隆 供体细胞核 – 越胚性越容易成功,如胚胎成纤维细胞 – 细胞分裂状态:分裂静止期 受体细胞 – 超排卵 – 去细胞核 核移植 – 核显微注射 – 诱导发育 目前还存在问题
转基因动物发展趋势 以研究为导向,以技术突破为核心 以应用为目标,以加速技术转化为宗旨 DNA 序列解析加速基因功能的解析 小动物为研究材料,大动物为生物反应器 干细胞、克隆技术进一步成熟 在疾病治疗、品种改良方面扩展、深入 由间接的转基因药物到直接的基因治疗、器官移植 从人们对转基因食品的不接受到转基因制品管理的逐步完善 转基因技术与基因定位技术的有机结合,对启动子特性的不 断了解,在组织专一性,可诱导性方面将更加精确 大动物转基因技术的不断完善,商业应用将更为普遍,如品 种改良,蛋白药抗体药生产等 RNAi 在转基因动物和基因治疗方面的应用 转基因技术对人类生存将产生更为深远的影响,人们对转基 因产品的认识将不断发生改变,相应的政策法规将得到进一 步完善
干细胞研究的进展与前景 第一个人干细胞来源于人胚胎 – 定向分化后的干细胞可以用于治疗 Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) – 病人特异性干细胞可以通过基因诱导获得: Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc 病人特异性干细胞可以通过核移植获得 需要解决问题: – 诱导干细胞与正常干细胞的差异 – 表观遗传学问题 – 定向诱导分化问题 – 安全问题
核移植和大动物克隆的应用前景 成本高,目前主要用于品种改良,器 官移植等商业价值较高的方面 最近已经成功用于干细胞生产,有望 将来用于临床再生治疗 理论上可行,实际上还有很多问题, 但它是唯一的大动物基因修饰途径