April 2011, BudapestPAG 1 FROM HOLLAND WITH LOVE From Holland with love Rita van Wel PES Netherlands
April 2011, BudapestPAG 2 “No Youth, No Future” The Dutch approch Rita van Wel PES The Netherlands
April 2011, BudapestPAG 3 Program Situation The Dutch approach Cooperative approach School Ex Matching young people and employers Trainees Be Smart Campaign Early School leavers Results and conclusions
April 2011, BudapestPAG 4 UWV WERKbedrijf is part of the UWV. It is the Public Employment Service (PES) for the Netherlands More and more people at work
April 2011, BudapestPAG 5 Youth Unemployment unemployment in the Netherlands (source CBS) Age st quarter %4,4% 2d quarter ,3%4.7% 3d quarter %4,9% 4th quarter %5,2% 1st quarter %6,0% 2d quarter %5,6% 3d quarter %5,5% 4th quarter %5,0%
April 2011, BudapestPAG 6 Stakeholders UWV
April 2011, BudapestPAG 7 Cooperative approach to youth unemployment Young people serviced in youth desks Municipality, UWV WERKbedrijf, Education, Early School leavers agent, Youth care etc. Staff of dedicated youth ‘workcoaches’ and trainees Together is a key word Employers, employers organisations like SME, and youth desk work together locally to find opportunities for young people in work and education. Act, Do! Words are not enough. Focus on Work (short and long term)
April 2011, BudapestPAG 8 Youth Unemployment ActionPlan: school ex program For secondary school leavers All-embracing approach from school to PES Tutors are involved, school leavers are registered We get the names, they get an e-card, inviting them to contact us If not, we contact them regularly and keep a close watch Information from PES in school: labour market, how to choose, further education etc. Competency tests Reintegration arrangements
April 2011, BudapestPAG 9 Youth Unemployment Action Plan: matching young people and employers Ambition: all young people have work within 3 months Or are actively seeking work: reintegration, training on the job Working closely together with employers, industry organisations and SMEs Working closely together with the institutes (sector wise) which make the arrangements for apprenticeships
April 2011, BudapestPAG 10 Youth Unemployment Action Plan: matching young people and employers Premium exemption for employers who hire youngsters in apprenticeship Vouchers youngsters can give to employers they want to work for All kinds of activities: job fairs, speed-dating with employers, a working-learning bus to take young people to events, e-community (under construction), mentoring, orientationweeks for promising sectors, yearly actionweek etc. After sales
April 2011, BudapestPAG 11 Youth Unemployment Action Plan: trainees at PES 2 x 100 highly educated school leavers – 1 year contract 1500 applications through the internet Onorthodox selection; everyone involved. Modern, dynamic, positive, interactive
April 2011, BudapestPAG 12 Be Smart
April 2011, BudapestPAG 13 Van school naar werk Een goede voorbereiding …
April 2011, BudapestPAG 14 Be - Smart Car
April 2011, BudapestPAG 15 Early school leavers Change in law: <18 not allowed to leave school without qualification Zero tolerance: young people’s attendance in school is controlled very strictly 39 central municipalities responsible for decreasing the number of school leavers without qualification A special unit in the youth desks Peer group of young people who left school with qualification: visiting the schools and spread the message why it is so important to get a diploma Different project in the regions to keep young people longer in school: classes with extra care and structure, parent participation, taylor-made training etc.
April 2011, BudapestPAG 16 Early school leavers - results 2002: early school leavers 2005: early school leavers 2010: early school leavers Ambition for 2011: early school leavers and that will be half the level of 2002
April 2011, BudapestPAG 17 Youth Unemployment Action Plan: Targets and results 10,000 secondary school leavers per year will opt to stay at school for a further year ……..more than 22,000 stayed at school for a further year All youngsters (<27) will be working or actively seeking work within 3 months ……..40% finds a job within 3 months, 65% within half a year ……..actively seeking is difficult to measure Due to new legislation each youngster has to accept a job or, if that is not possible, education. 25% of all vacancies to be filled by under 27s ……..we fullfilled 35% untill now Registration of all school leavers ………is still an uphill battle 30 regional agreements ……..we have 30 effective cooperative action plans, committed by all our partners
April 2011, BudapestPAG 18 Our uphill battle It is difficult to measure what we (together) achieved because all partners have different registration systems Working together takes time We still have a large number of unqualified school leavers We still don’t know how to reach young people who are not known by any agency No shows on appointments and events Decrease of budget for PES
April 2011, BudapestPAG 19 The four P’s for succes Partnership -broad basis of support Personnel -independently managed project -dedicated youth advisors “Pecunia” -own cash budget to keep the machine running on a daily basis Political prudence
April 2011, BudapestPAG 20 PARTICIPATION! We want school leavers and jobseekers to take part in society, to contribute and to be happy with the opportunities they have on the labour market …….and we – all of us and all together – can make the difference!!
April 2011, BudapestPAG 21