T HOMAS J EFFERSON August 26 th nd hour Mr. Elliot Alyssa Cerda
B IRTH - D EATH Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia He died on July 4, 1826 in Monticello, Virginia at age eighty three.
E DUCATION He attended William and Mary Collage in Williamsburg at age sixteen, he studied mathematics, philosophy and metaphysics, and he graduated with the highest honors in 1762 Later on he studied law with George Wythe
A CCOMPLISHMENTS Thomas Jefferson’s proudest accomplishments were the Declaration of Independence, the Statue of Virginia for religious freedom, and the University of Virginia at Charlottesville
O CCUPATION BEFORE R EVOLUTIONARY W AR ( April 3,1769) he was a Rep. for the Albermarle county ( October 1773)Surveyor of Albermarle County ( June 21, 1775) Alt. second Continental congress
C LASS NOTES Even though Thomas Jefferson wrote Declaration, he didn’t want to write it, he wanted John Adams to write instead of him
F UN FACTS ! Thomas Jefferson had 6 children His burial site is in Monticello, Virginia Jefferson’s nick names were, The Sage of Monticello, Man of the People, and the Father of the University of Virginia He had eight brothers and sisters. One of the siblings died in childhood His face is on the mountain He is on a United States quarter In 1772, he married Martha Wayles Skelton He was the third president of the United States