Objectives: by the end of this lesson, we will… 1. Know what happened to Jesus Christ (the crucifixion) 2. Understand how people can follow Jesus’ example.


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives: by the end of this lesson, we will… 1. Know what happened to Jesus Christ (the crucifixion) 2. Understand how people can follow Jesus’ example in times of suffering. 3. Reflect on what the meaning behind the crucifixion of Christ is.

Look at the pictures below 1. What is happening in the pictures? 2. Why do you think it is happening? 3. What feelings can you relate to these images?

Task One  Where is God when we are suffering? Answer the above question in your own opinion. Remember to write in full sentences with a detailed explanation of your answer Answer the above question in your own opinion. Remember to write in full sentences with a detailed explanation of your answer You have 3 minutes to do this. You have 3 minutes to do this.

Task Two QuestionsInformation Scenario: imagine you are speaking to a survivor of the Holocaust whose faith in God has been shaken by their experience. Explain to them how Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion might help them and what it was intended to achieve for mankind. What is crucifixion? What is crucifixion? Why was Christ crucified? What did it achieve? What is atonement? What is the point of atonement? How can Jesus be seen as an example to others? What does it mean to say that God suffers with us? Around the room are cards with the answers to each of the 7 questions below. You need to move around the room, find the information and write it in the correct box Across a double page in your books copy the table below.

QuestionsInformation What is crucifixion? What is crucifixion? Crucifixion is when someone is nailed to a cross through their wrists and their feet, and left to die either of dehydration or bleed to death. Crucifixion is more a form of torture than execution as death can be up to 3 days in coming! Why was Christ crucified? Jesus was crucified because the Jewish officials were unhappy with his preaching; he seemed to be going against Jewish teachings. The Romans were unhappy that he seemed to be encouraging people to not pay their taxes. He was seen as creating unrest in the masses at a time of riots and uprisings. What did it achieve? Theologically speaking, the crucifixion was intended to repair mankind’s damaged relationship with God. Jesus was to die on the cross in order to save mankind from their sins. It meant mankind could be reconciled with God and would be able to enter Heaven. What is atonement? Atonement is one of the most important parts of Christian belief. It explains how Christians believe that the damage done through Human Free Will has been repaired, and how Christians are able to become “at-one” with God. What is the point of atonement? The point of atonement is to repair the damaged relationship with God. Christians want to be ‘at one’ with God and they can now do so thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. How can Jesus be seen as an example to others? Jesus’ suffering can be seen as an example to others through the idea that anyone that suffers in this world can be identified with Jesus. Therefore, any “good act” carried out to make the life of a person who is suffering is an act carried out for Jesus. In the same way, a person who is suffering can take comfort from the fact that Jesus also suffered, and that their own personal situation is one that God can have sympathy with. What does it mean to say that God suffers with us? To say that God suffers with us to say that when we suffer God feels and shares in our pain. He supports us and gives us strength in times of hardship, but all the while is partaking in that suffering with us. During the Holocaust, many people in the camps asked where God was. An answer provided was, ‘He is here, suffering with us’.

Extension Task  Augustine said that we had created original sin when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and were thrown out of Eden. They made us imperfect and ruined our relationship with God.  Jesus was sent to repair that relationship. He sacrificed himself so that we could be saved and reconcile with God. This meant that we would be able to enter Heaven. 1. How fair is it to say that evil and suffering are our fault and that it is down to us to reconcile with God in order to enter Heaven?  Answers in full sentences with a detailed explanation.