This study was accomplished to compare energy saving effects of several heat insurance materials in greenhouse and to develop new automatic opening and closing equipment which is suitable to the most effective heat insurance material. To find out more effective heat insurance material, the heat transfer amount of aluminum screen (ALS), non-woven fabric (NWF), double-layer aluminum screen with chemical cotton sheet (DAL), and multi-layer fabric screen material quilted with non-woven fabric, chemical cotton, poly foam, and polypropylene (MLF) were relatively compared. As results, the relative heat transfer amount of ALS which was lower than NWF was higher than DAL and MLF by 34% and 75% respectively, and that of DAL was higher than MLF by 30%. So MLF screen material was the most effective than other heat insurance materials, but because of thickness, there was a need of new mechanism for automatic operation in greenhouse. Based on above, new screen system using MLF-thick but profitable for keeping warm in greenhouse-was developed. Opening & closing equipment was designed to roll MLF with pipe axis during opening process and pull MLF with string during closing process with electric motors, clutches, drums, and so on. In hot pepper cultivation and energy saving test during winter time, the early stage yield of pepper under MLF screen system was higher than NWF by 27%, and gasoline consumption of MLF screen system was lower than NWF by 46%. Si-Young Lee 1, Hark-Joo Kim 1, Hee Chun 1, Sung-Hyun Yum 1, Yun-Im Kang 2 1 Protected Horticulture Experiment Station, NHRI, RDA, Rep. of Korea 2 National Horticultural Research Institute, RDA, Rep. of Korea Energy Saving Effect of Rolling Type Multi-layer Fabric Screen System in Greenhouse MATERIALS & METHODS ◈ Measurement equipment of relative heat transfer ⊙ Type : adiabatic unit volume Styrofoam box ⊙ Size : 1,000 × 1,000 × 1,000 mm (width × length × height) ⊙ Heat source : electric heating wire ⊙ Data logger : LI-1000 (LI-COR) ⊙ Sensor : MF-9 (EKO) ⊙ Compared heat insurance materials : - Non-woven fabric screen (NWF) - Aluminum screen (ALS) - Double-layer Aluminum screen (DAL) - Multi-layer fabric screen (MLF) ◈ Development of MLF screen system ABSTRACT ◈ Energy saving & cultivating effects test in greenhouse ⊙ Greenhouse Type : 1-2W type plastics house ⊙ Size : width 7m, side wall height 2.7m, roof height 4.55m, length 45m ⊙ Treatment contents - Plant material : hot pepper - Screen systems for heat insurance · non-woven fabric screen 2 layers : pulling type · multi-layered fabric screen : pulling & rolling type RESULTS Fig. 1. Heat transfer amount according to heat insurance screen materials. Fig. 6. Comparison of fuel consumption. Fig. 7. Comparison of plant growth. Fig. 2. Scheme of automatic opening & closing equipment Fig. 3. Photos of each part for automatic operating MLF screen material. MotorMLF rollClutchDrum Fig. 4. Comparison of opened & closed status of NWF & MLF screen system. MLFNWFMLFNWF S06-P-74 ◈ Comparing of relative heat insurance effect ◈ Energy saving & plant cultivating effects test Fig. 5. Comparison of early stage yield.