Chapter 7
Chapter 7, Sections 1 & 2
Read the article and note the major causes of the French Revolution
1. Meeting of the Estates-General at Versailles in May rd Estate breaks off and creates the National Assembly Calls for end of monarchy; wants a rep. gov't Tennis Court Oath- when locked out of meeting room, broke into tennis court and vowed to stay until a new constitution was written Rumors of violence led mobs looking for gunpowder in Paris to Storm the Bastille (July 14 th, 1789)
2. Great Fear: wave of panic that swept through France after fall of the Bastille Oct women riot over lack of bread, march on Versailles Demand Nat. Assembly provide bread Make royals rtn to Paris 3. Declaration of the Rights of Men and of the Citizen (August 1789) “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
4. Sept. 1791: constitution from National Assembly created Legislative Assembly and limited monarchy 5. War w/ Austria and Prussia because they urged restoration of Louis XVI (Aug. 1792) Led to fear of royals and supporters: massive killings in prisons, royals imprisoned Leg. Assembly set aside constitution- creates National Convention France named a republic; all males could vote Radicals take control (Jacobins under Jean-Paul Marat): tried/executed Louis XVI for treason (January 21, 1793)
6. Reign of Terror 1793 Jacobin leader, Maximilien Robespierre, became leader of the Committee of Public Society; used the guillotine to silence opposition Est 40,000 put to death, 85% peasants/poor July Nat. Convention tried Robespierre, put to death, ends terror 7. In 1795, the 3 rd plan for gov't was put forth- 2 house legislature and executive of 5 men called the Directory Appointed Napoleon as general in charge of the French Army
Choose 10 dates from Chapter 7, Sections 1 and 2, that you believe explain the basics of the French Revolution Make sure to explain each date you have chosen completely
Chapter 7, Sections 3 and 4
Chapter 7, Section 5
Called to est collective security and stability for all of Europe 5 “great powers”: Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, France Most influential: Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria Goals: 1. Prevent future French aggression 2. Restore balance of power among countries 3. Restore royal families to thrones prior to time of Napoleon
1. Containment of France a) Kingdom of Netherlands b) German Confederation- 39 Germanic states c) Switzerland- independent d) Kingdom of Sardinia in Italy got Genoa 2. Balance of Power: France kept together; break up would be problematic 3. Legitimacy: thrones rtnd to France (constitutional monarchy), Spain, the states in Italy and Central Europe
Nations of Europe cooperated politically for the 1 st time Did not create future wars (peace for 40 yrs) Holy Alliance (1815): Russia, Prussia, & Austria pledge to base relations w/ other countries on Christian principles Concert of Europe: alliances devised by Metternich; nations would help each other if revolutions broke out
Nationalism spread Colonies in Latin American took advantage of problems in Europe to work for their own independence More people want democracy
From France’s point of view, do you think the decisions made by the Congress of Vienna were “fair”?